Chapter Sixteen

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I felt someone taping my shoulder to get me to wake up. I slightly opened my eyes enough to see who woke me up and I was met with those bright blue eyes. He's cute but god I want to smack him right now for waking me up. "You said you needed to be up early to help Dustin." I let out a big sigh as I rubbed my eyes. I opened and closed them a couple times so I could get adjusted to the light that Billy had turned on. "What time is it?" I didn't want to roll on top of him to look over at the clock that I have on my bedside table. "It's nine on the dot." This asshole. When I said I needed to be up early to help Dustin I meant at like noon. Not nine in the morning, but at least it gives me time to get dress and you know mentally prepare myself to have to somehow find a demogorgon baby that's on the loose. How fun.

"How drunk were you?" I'm hoping he didn't remember much of last night but at the same time I hope he does. I hope he remembers that we kissed and he kinda confessed his feelings to me but at the same time I don't want him to remember because I don't want anything to happen between us that could cause problems or something.  I don't know, I'm sorta just making excuses on why I don't want him to remember when I know damn well that I don't want him to remember because I'm scared of actually being with him when he known as the guy who can and will get into everyone's pants. "Not drunk enough. I know what you're getting at y/n. I remember the kiss and everything else." Well um I think now would be the perfect time to go eat some breakfast. I turned over to get out of my bed but Billy was in my way "Do you want breakfast or no?" I chuckled as he got up and out of my bed so I could do the same. I went into the bathroom so I could do my business. I washed my hands and made my way out of the bathroom and Billy wasn't anywhere to be seen in my room. My window wasn't open either but his shoes and jacket weren't where he left them last night.

I made my way out of my room and in the kitchen were Steve and Billy, silently both eating. Obviously there wasn't any yelling or anything because I didn't hear it so maybe they just assumed it was too early to fight. I got out a bowl and grabbed the open cereal box that was on the counter from both boys using it. I poured my cereal and milk in, I got a spoon and joined the boys at the kitchen table. It felt weird sitting down and eating with multiple people at the table. Normally our parents are gone so then it leaves me and Steve and most of the time we either eat in the living room or we eat by ourselves wherever we want.

"So normally I wouldn't judge you or anything but you've seriously been sneaking Billy into our house?" Steve said which caused me and Billy to snap our heads towards him, I was about to say something but Billy did before I could. "She hasn't been sneaking me in Harrington, I've been showing up to her window and walking in by myself." Billy's matter of fact tone caused Steve to roll his eyes. "We have a front door you know." I got up and put my empty bowl in the sink. "Calm down Stevie boy, I'll make sure to use it next time." Billy made his was over to where I was and slid his bowl into the sink and placed a kiss on my forehead. "I got to go now, how about a date tonight?" He had a cocky smirk on his face but the fact that he was blushing a bit made it obvious that he was being serious about his feelings last night.

"Mhm sure, if I'm still alive by then." Billy looked confused while Steve and I started laughing. Yes of course, laugh away the actual fear you have about getting killed by a demogorgon. I grabbed Billy's hand and pulled him along to the front door, I let go of his hand once I opened up the door. He flashed me a wink as he walked onto the front porch and down our driveway to go to his. I closed the door and made my way back to the kitchen where Steve was standing next to the sink. "I'm screwed aren't I?" He started laughing and nodding his head "Yep, but I find you two adorable if I'm being honest." I was about to protest but he walked out of the kitchen and made his way to his room. I went to my room so I could brush my teeth and get dressed. I put on some random outfit that I put together that consisted of a black shirt and blue mom jeans and my Chuck Taylor's. Basic but comfortable. I put on deodorant and perfume and some chapstick. I put a scrunchie on my wrist in case I needed it later. I met Steve at the front door, I walked to his car as he locked the door behind us. We both got into the car and buckled up.

"Are we both actually ready for this?" Steve asked as he sighed and turned the car on. "Not really but we don't have a choice." And with that we left our house and were on our way to Dustin's. When we got there Dustin was already sitting outside. He had his bag on his back and two buckets next to him. He had his hat and his headset on his head. He grabbed the buckets and jogged over to the car. Steve got out and helped him put the buckets and shit in the trunk. A minute later Steve and Dustin both got into the car and we started driving off somewhere while Dustin explained the plan. We are going to go out and get meat and make a trail of the meat down the railroad tracks and then we are going to lead the trail to the junkyard. It was a long plan but I tuned half of it out. It was way too early. We made our way to the supermarket to pick up some raw meat. We got enough to fill up our buckets so we payed for everything and left to make our way to the railroad tracks.

Flower Girl (Billy Hargrove)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora