Chapter Nineteen

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We made it to the Byers residence and let's just say everything was a mess. A complete mess. The kids were arguing with one another about what to do next. Then everyone was trying to explain what was going on. I found out that Bob had died, him and Joyce were dating. I've talked to him a couple times while he would be in the store talking to Joyce and she would call me over. He seemed like a really sweet an great guy. When we got here Joyce went to her room and hasn't came out since and hopper went in there not long ago to check up on her. Will is unconscious on the couch with Jonathan and Nancy by his side. Mike explained that basically one day after school they had been searching for dart because I guess Dustin had brought him to school and lost him and while everyone was searching for dart, will ran off and went into the schools field. He got possessed in a way and now he's the shadow monster's spy. Mike explained it weirdly and in a very chaotic way so I understood it the best that I could.

Steve was leaning against the counter in the kitchen while me and the kids were sitting at the kitchen table. Oh and then not to mention that there was paper everywhere that were like weird vines but Mike said that they were tunnels or something like that. Mike is a mess, a complete total mess. When Dustin was explaining the mind flayer everyone gathered around to try to figure out how everything is connecting.

"The mind flayer wants to conquer us. It basically thinks it's the master race." Dustin was explaining and then Steve spoke up "Like the uh.. the Germans." Is he serious right now. There is no way this kid is actually going to graduate. We all looked at him like he was dumb "The Nazis?" Dustin asked while looking at Steve "Yeah..." I've never shook my head in disappointment more in my life than in this moment.  "Uhh if the Nazis were from another dimension." Hopper started groaning and rubbing his eyes in annoyance. "It views other races like us as inferior to itself." Mike cut Dustin off "It wants to spread and take over other dimensions." That's when Lucas spoke up "We are talking about the destruction of our world as we know it." I sighed and started pacing as I was talking "Thats great. That's great, you know that's really great." I was stressing out and I didn't even fully comprehend anything that was going on. Nancy started talking which caused everyone to turn their attention to her as she picked up the dnd book.

"So if this thing is like a brain that's controlling everything then if we kill it-" Mike cut her off "It kills everything that it controls." Nancy nodded her head while Steve started pacing back and forth with me. "We win-" Dustin has a lot of hope, too much hope. "Theoretically." I didn't meant to sound like a bitch but come on. "Great so how do you kill this thing. Shoot it with fireballs or something?" Hopper said as he snatched the book out of Nancy's hands and started looking at it. Dustin chuckled for a second before speaking "No, no fireballs. You summon an undead army because- because the zombies you know th-they don't have range and the mind flayer it- it likes range... it's just a game-" Hopper cut him off  "What the hell are we doing here" he slammed the book onto the table and started walking away.

"I thought we were waiting for your military backup?" Hopper looked pissed like he was going to snap me in half for my comment. "We are!" He yelled back "Even if they come how are they going to stop this. You can't just shoot this with guns!" I yelled back "You don't know that! We don't know anything!" So now it sounds like me and Hopper are in a screaming match. How fun. "We know it's already killed everyone in that lab!" I yelled and Lucas was quick to say something too "And we know those monsters are going to molt again." Which caused Dustin to say something too "And we know it's only a matter of time before those tunnels reach this town." I was trying to catch my breath and calm myself down from just yelling at hopper when suddenly Joyce spoke up "They're right. We have to kill it. I want to kill it."

Hopper started walking over to Joyce to comfort her "Me too, Me too Joyce. Okay? But how do we do that. We don't exactly know what we're dealing with here." She kept on sighing in disbelief. "No but he does." Mike said while looking at will who was still unconscious on the couch. "If anyone know how to m destroy this thing, it's Will. He's connected to it, he'll know it's weakness." He said while walking over to Will. "I thought we couldn't trust him anymore." Max was right. She continued on. "I thought he was a spy for the mind flayer now."  We all started walking closer to Will "He can't be a spy if he doesn't know where he is." God Mike may get on my nerves at times but he is smart. We made up a plan, we were going to empty out the shed in the back yard and completely cover the walls on the inside so he couldn't recognize it. Steve and Nancy were inside the shed putting curtains up after Hopper took everything out. Dustin and Lucas went outside to look through the trash for stuff while me, Max, and Mike.

Max and Mike was talking about El and the group, well Max was being nice and was saying how El seemed badass and Mike was being a dick and was telling her that even though she knows what's going on she isn't part of the group and got what he needed and stormed off. Max rolled her eyes as we continued to cover the chair in cardboard and duct tape. "Don't let him get to you, he's just being pissy right now. Trust me, you're part of the group." She sniffled a bit and nodded her head before she spoke up. "I heard that you had a date with Billy tonight." A frown went onto my face with the thought about how it seems like I stood Billy up because I'm not home at all nor did I call him to tell him I couldn't go tonight but I've been busy running for my life and protecting Max and the other kids to stop somewhere and call him. Hell, I wouldn't even be able to explain why I couldn't go on the date.

"Yeah, I was sorta looking forward to it but oh well." I shrugged my shoulders while connecting two pieces of cardboard together with the tape. "I saw the Polaroids you two took. He keeps one in his wallet and one in his car." Those damn Polaroids. We finished the chair and then went outside to the shed to help everyone else. We all started taping cardboard and tinfoil and newspapers and whatever you could think of to the walls and ceiling and windows and even the floor of the shed to completely cover everything. Jonathan brought Will out and sat him in one of the chairs we had covered. We tied him to the chair and the wooden pole it was sitting against. We put lights in there and plugged them in. After that we were all ushered back into the house. Hopper, Joyce, Jonathan, and Mike all stayed in the shed.

Everyone in the house was pretty much on edge. Nancy was leaning up against the wall looking like her mind had a million thought running through it at once, Steve was in the living room swinging his bat, Dustin was pacing back and forth in the kitchen and even took off his hat and was running his hands through his hair in stress, Lucas and Max were sitting against the wall on the floor across from each other in the hallway leading to the bedrooms and bathroom. I was sitting at the kitchen table observing everyone. The look of fear and worry was on everyone's faces no matter how hard everyone tried to act like they have themselves under control.

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