Chapter Thirteen

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I was woken up to the phone ringing. I looked over at the chair Steve fell asleep in but he wasn't there. Maybe he just is taking a shower or something. I threw the blanket off the couch and made my way over to the phone. "Hello who is-" I got cut off by Dustin's panting and freaking out "Y/n hurry up and get your ass over here and don't tell anyone. Got it?" What the hell is going on but it's Dustin so of course I'll go. "Yeah I'll be there in 30." I hung up and ran up the stairs to change clothes. I put on some sweatpants and a lavender long sleeve shirt. I grabbed some change that I had and put it in my pockets. I ran to the bathroom and brushed my teeth and did my hair. I hurried out of my room and stopped in the kitchen and there was a note. I'm seriously getting tired of all these notes. It's really starting to piss me off. I scanned over it and read that Steve isn't home because he had to go do something. Great now I have to bike over to Dustin's house. I grabbed my house key and went out the door making sure to lock it behind me. Across the street Billy was working on his car and there wasn't a sign of Max so I'm just not going to engage. Especially not after last night. I got on my bike and started going down the street.

It didn't take long for me to get to Dustin's house. I got off my bike and I saw that Ms. Henderson's car wasn't in the drive way. Did he seriously call me just to babysit him. I knocked on the door and I heard footsteps running to the door and Dustin slammed the door open. He could've taken that damn thing off of its hinges. "I'll explain in a second just hurry in." He sounded out of breath and I followed him into the kitchen. He had two piles of hockey gear on the kitchen island and he turned to his fridge and started looking through it. He picked up lunch meat and slammed the fridge door closed which made me jump a bit. He started making a trail of lunch meat in the living room and eventually went outside to continue the trail . "Put that pile on, the one closest to the wall!" I didn't even question him for a second and put on the hockey gear and oven mits and grabbed the hockey stick. He did the same as I did. He looked at me and sent me a soft smile while he took of his hat and put the hockey helmet on. He grabbed his stick and started walking to his bedroom and I followed right behind him.

"Alright, Dart. Breakfast time." Who the hell is Dart and why are we looking like we are about to play hockey. I am so fucking confused right now and I could feel my heartbeat start to go faster as he opened his bedroom door "Go! Outside now!" He said as he turned to me and I instantly started going to the living room. Dustin was waddling behind me while repeating "oh my god!" Over and over. We waddled as fast as we could outside making sure not to step on the meat trail that led outside and we went to his green little hideout house. He quickly closed the door once we got outside and I stood there trying to catch my breath.

"What the hell is going on Dustin." He was staring at the house completely ignoring what I said. I looked at the house and some weird ass creature thing that was as big as a dog came out and was following the meat trail and almost went into the storm cellar that the trail was leading it to. The weird animal turned and looked at us and it growled and opened its mouth. Why the fuck did it look like a demogorgon but as a fucking dog. Me and Dustin moved far away from the door and we started to hold our breath hoping that it wouldn't hear us and go away. Dustin started screaming and slammed the door open and started charging at the animal which scared it. Dustin then hit it with the hockey stick and the animal went flying into the storm cellar. I quickly followed behind him and we closed the doors as the animal was running up the stairs to get out. We closed the doors in time so it hit the doors.

Me and Dustin laid on top of the doors to keep them closed and while I was catching my breath Dustin spoke up. "I'm sorry. You ate my cat." What. The. Fuck. That thing ate his cat. Mews is dead. What the hell. "That thing ate your cat! Are you serious Dustin!" He looked over at me with his eyes wide like he didn't realize that he just told me what happened. "Well I'll explain now. On halloween night when I was coming home I heard something in my trash can and inside I found this weird slug type of thing. I've never seen it before so I kept it. I put it in yertle's tank and Dart just kept growing and growing. I looked at the tank today and I saw that the glass was broken and in the corner of my room Dart was eating Mews. He killed Mews so I called you to come help me put Dart in the storm cellar." My jaw had dropped. So he basically kept a wild creature in his room and it killed his cat. What the hell. "Why does it look like a demogorgon though?!" He looked down as he responded "It's because it is one. It's like a baby." Is he serious right now. He kept a baby demogorgon in his room. "Dustin what the hell! You could've gotten killed are you serious right now? Oh my god-" Dustin cut me off "Can we just bury Mews and I'll try to contact the boys." I nodded my head and we got up.

I started taking off all the hockey gear but left my mits on "I'll go grab Mews, you dig a hole." I turned around and made my way into the house. Dustin said something about Dart killing Mews in his room so that's where I went and in the corner on the carpet was Mews. I couldn't help but let a couple tears fall. Mews was such a sweet and great cat, she was always friendly and always loved being fed treats. I picked her up and toted her outside to where Dustin was. He dug a hole deep enough so I set her down in it. Dustin started covering her up with Dirt while he was speaking into his headset. "Guys this is a code red. I repeat, this is a code red." There was no response. He finished covering up Mews and he put the shovel down. I threw my oven mits onto the ground and we went inside.

He went to the cabinet underneath the kitchen sink and got out two pairs of yellow gloves and some carpet cleaning supplies. We needed to clean up the blood. He started speaking into the headset again but once again there wasn't a reply. I slipped a pair of the gloves on and me and Dustin walked into his room and started cleaning up the mess. When we was done with most of the mess he spoke into the headset again except this time someone responded. The voice sounded familiar but I could place who it was "Erica? Erica is Lucas there?" Erica Sinclair, she was Lucas's little sister who had more sass and attitude than like 5 people combined. "Don't know and don't care." There's the sass. Dustin rolled his eyes "Is- is he with Mike?" This man is so stressed, he sounds like a middle aged mother with three kids. "Like I said, I don't know and I don't care." Obviously Erica isn't going to be super helpful. "Please tell him it's super important. Please tell him I have a code-" Erica cut him off "Code red?" You could practically hear her rolling her eyes. "Yep, code red. Exactly." Dustin had a huge smile on his face like he was hopeful.

"Mhm. I got a code for you instead. It's called code shut-your-mouth." Then radio static was all that was heard. She seriously turned of Lucas's Walkie. Dustin smile was wiped off of his face. "Mikes house! Come on! Mikes house!" He got up and grabbed his bag. I call it his magical bag because it normally has everything you could think of in it. I took off my gloves and we ran outside out to our bikes. We got on our bikes and made our way over to mikes house.

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