Chapter Twenty Three

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June 29th 1985

Not much has happened in the past year. Me and Billy are still together and still as close as ever. Now that summer has started he actually started working at the Hawkins pool which has its pros and cons. The only cons are the fact that the moms stare Billy down like he's a meal. Hell Mrs.Wheeler flirts with him at every chance she gets. She's even done it in front of me multiple times, like what hello do I just not exist.

One of the girls he works with, Heather, is super nice and has even stuck up for me multiple times. There was one time recently where Mrs.Wheeler tried to ask Billy out on a date and Heather walked up to the two and told Billy that he can leave early for the date me and him had planned that night which Billy gladly accepted the offer to leave early. Mrs. Wheeler I guess rolled her eyes and gave Heather dirty looks for the rest day she was there which wasn't long.

The moms only go for Billy and it's kinda embarrassing, like at least being your kids with you most of the time so it's not as obvious that you're only here to stare at one of the lifeguards. But I don't blame them, he's been working on his body and his six pack is even more toned, he's gotten more tan which make his tattoos pop out.

I occasionally work at the general store with Joyce but ever since the Starcourt mall opened up we've basically had no customers so some days she calls me and tells me I can have the day off. Steve graduated this past school year and he wanted to go to college but sadly he didn't get accepted into any which pissed dad off a lot. Ever since dad found out he kinda stopped talking to Steve whenever him and mom are home. They've even started taking up more trip opportunities to avoid being home as much as possible. Let's just say, they were there for Steve's graduation and I haven't seen them since.

Dads way of punishing Steve for not getting into college was making him get a summer job. He now works at Scoops Ahoy in the mall. The ice cream is amazing plus it hilarious to sit with Robin in the back while eating ice cream and watch Steve's attempts at flirting which is truly embarrassing. The uniforms they have to wear makes it even better, they're little sailor outfits that are blue and white and the shorts only go to like mid thigh. They have to wear a sailor hat too which looks amazing on Robin but not so much on Steve.

Joyce and Hopper have a very obvious thing going on, well Hopper has a thing for Joyce which somehow she has failed to realize. He made it super obvious especially when he came into the store today begging for help on the Mike and El situation. For the past year they've been seeing each other very often and so now Hopper thinks that they've been spending too much time together and that they've been kissing too much. I don't understand what the issue is, at least it's just kissing he's lucky that Mike is still young and isn't like Billy who tries to have sex everywhere and basically all the time.

Anyways, Lucas and Max officially got together with the help from me and Steve which was so adorable. Will is still doing his thing but he's constantly asking me to play dnd with him whenever Mike bails on the group to go hangout with El but I don't really understand it much so I politely decline it sometimes and then other times I offer to sit and watch.

Nancy and Jonathan are still doing good, they even started working together at the Hawkins post which Nancy isn't too happy about because she applied there to work on newspapers not be a water boy and have to go get coffees and burgers for everyone. Jonathan gets treated decent but they mainly respect him more compared to Nancy because of the fact that he's a guy which is dumber than hell because Nancy has amazing talent when it comes to newspapers.

Dustin has just been Dustin, he's still like a little brother to me and I'm excited for him to come home tomorrow. At the beginning of summer he left for summer camp so he's been gone for a little over a month now. I missed his dorkyness and his sarcasm a lot. Me and Dustin are going to meet up tomorrow at Scoops so me, him, and Steve can all talk and catch up.

By the time I got home it was already dark, Steve closes late so it was just my car in the driveway. I also got my license within the past year. At first it was Steve who offered to make sure I was ready but Billy forced Steve to let him do it.  There was a bit of screaming from Billy stressing me out and then some tears but mainly laughter and in the end I was ready for my license and I passed my test on the first try. I looked over at Billy's drive way and I noticed that his car wasn't there. That dumb party.

There was a party going on tonight that he invited me to but I just didn't want to go. Since summer started I've been staying away from the parties, I'm not hating on them. I just haven't been in the mood to go to one. After I declined Billy's offer he told me that's alright and that he'll just see me the day after and we can have a date night or something. Which I willingly accepted. I warmed up some leftover pizza and sat back and ate it while I put in Nightmare on Elm Street. I eventually finished the movie and my food and went up to my room to do my night routine and I fell fast asleep.

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