49. First Quidditch Game

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A week later had passed and it was the breakfast before the big game of quidditch.  There were gossips all around. And since today all grades had a free period, they used that time to held the quidditch game. Everyone sat in their seats waiting for game to start. But I had especially felt really bad for Harry and the troll incident.

The troll smush Harry's face and had to be at the Hospital Wing for 5 days because he was unconscious the first 2. Where he started bleeding on his face, he still had the mark of it that was slowly healing. He was still weak but Harry insisted on still playing the upcoming quidditch game.

Then out came flying green smears with numbers. All the Slytherin's in their aile were cheering as loudly while a couple of Ravenclaws were as well. Then red smears with numbers in which I looked closer, it was Oliver and Harry and more others. Everyone was cheering except for the Slytherin's. "Hello, welcome to Hogwarts. First quidditch game of the season. Slytherin vs. Gryffindor!" Said the announcer. Mostly everyone had their house color scarfs on because it was November and it was starting to get pretty cold.

Every team member took their places until Madam Hooch opened the box, flew out objects, and handed the Quaffle. "And the game begins!"

The game began with flying and ball throwing, Gryffindor scored the first goal. Everyone were flying and moving meanwhile Harry was just sitting there, watching the game. When a Slytherin team member threw the ball at I think was Olivier and he fell down his broom to the ground into the sand.

The Slytherin's made another Gryffindor girl fall again. Harry flew down to get the snitch when his broom was defaulting and moving by itself. I got my binoculars to take a closer look. "It looks like someone is jinxing his broom." I said to the person beside me.

"That's wicked. I hope he's alright in the end."

Harry almost fell of his broom, only his hand holding on for fear life for a moment until he got back on his broom. He went flying for the snitch as did the Slytherin's seeker down on the grass but he was going far too fast.

When the Slytherin seeker bumped Harry and Harry fell off his broom but lucky for him, he was close to the ground. The Slytherin seeker Terence Higgs went after the snitch and caught it.

"Slytherin wins!" Announced Madam Hooch. All the Slytherin's cheered for their seeker Terence Higgs. After the game was over, at the Great Hall, we heard cheering coming from the Slytherin table. Meanwhile Harry and a few other members from the Gryffindor team who got hurt went to the Hospital Wing.

I visited him there one time. He seemed alright but still pretty weak. "Oh hey y/n."

"Hi. How do you feel?" I asked him.

"I feel weak kind but energetic at the same time. I'm tired of laying down."

"Well I'm sorry for the game." I whispered this last sentence, "if you hadn't gotten hurt by the troll, maybe he would've had a better chance and not get hurt—." I explained.

"It's alright. It's not your fault. I just had bad luck with the broom today I guess."

I spent the remaining month of November and middle of December doing good in my classes and not stressing out. It was almost Christmas and winter break and Professor McGonagall was taking people's names down to see who was going to stay at Hogwarts over winter break and spend Christmas there.

She did this during one lunch. My roommates turned to me. "Are you going to stay over break?" They asked.

"I don't know yet." I turned to the boys. "What about you guys?"

"I don't know yet but probably leaving. I don't wanna be alone just yet."

Professor McGonagall then came to our table and then to us. Everyone beside me didn't sign the clipboard but I was still hesitant. "What about you, Ms. l/n?"

If you're in Hufflepuff:
Go home for Holidays - pg. 56
Stay at Hogwarts - pg. 57

If you're in Ravenclaw:
Go home for Holidays - pg. 58
Stay at Hogwarts - pg. 59

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