73. Hufflepuff/Ravenclaw

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As the month passed, February came. One day while I was coming out of my Transfiguration class, Professor McGonagall spoke up, "y/n, can you please stay here a moment."

It was the end of class and everyone else was leaving. Did I do something wrong? Am I in trouble? I walked up to her desk.

"Don't worry, you're not in trouble. Quite the opposite." She grinned. "You are an excellent student here Ms. y/n. You and Jermey Stretton are the top students in this class. And therefore, I wanted to give you 10 house points. I did it in here because I didn't want to say it in front of the class. I want to see all the hardworking students to keep working and be surprised with points. Keep up the good work, Ms. L/n."

"Oh thank you Professor. I will. Have a good day."

"You too." And I left her class. That wasn't so bad. And then the quidditch deal came.

If Slytherin quidditch game won - pg. 69
If Gryffindor quidditch game won - pg. 70

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