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Ron's P.O.V

i walked up and sat beside Ivy, still shocked about what i just heard, " hey, are you okay? " Ivy asked, i looked at her " i found out my friend, is in love with the guy i hate " i said " maybe, you should move on " Ivy said looking at me " maybe, i should, you know what i am, thanks Ivy " i said as she smiled at me " i'm gonna go and talk to Lavander " i said standing up " why? " Ivy asked " cause she's the other one i like " i said then walked off.

Ivy's P.O.V

" Why? " i said quietly, Reed was right, i can't fall in love with anyone i'm supposed to get for this, or i'll be to scared to hurt them, i walked off to the black lake when i saw a couple , sitting there " why, does he have to hate you so much " she said " i don't know but don't worry about it " he said then i walked off.

Hermione's P.O.V

" come on, we better go pick Clary and Scorpius up from Day Care " Draco said as we stood up " yeah, we should " i said as we walked off. we got there i saw Ginny with her daughter Alice " Hey, Ginny " i said sitting down beside her, as Draco went over to Scorpius and Clary " hey, you still on bad terms with my annoying git of a brother " Ginny said as i laughed " i think i've made it worse, i finally told him, i love Draco and he looked so sad, but he deserved to know that i don't like him " i said " finally, he really deserves it, he has been so annoying, say that you are blind and can't see that Draco is bad, just so annoying " Ginny said, i could tell the reason why she was acting that way was because she is pregnant

" Ginny are you pregnant again? " i said as she looked at me with murderious eyes " yes, and i'm so upset, the cramps are so terrible " she said as i laughed " i know how you feel, you're second, is pretty annoying but hey i love having two kids and more to come " i said as she looked at me again " are you pregnant again? " Ginny asked " no, not right now, but we're hoping we can have another kid before the end of the year " i said " well, you better hurry because you might not be able to have more, if you wait " She said " well.... " i said i probably should tell her " what well? " she asked " um, Draco and i had you know after i took the pregnacy stuff and um some how it's made our kids live for um after Graduation and forever " i said as she looked at me " really, that is happening to Neville and i " she said as the intercom went off saying " Please can all the year 7's please come to the great hall for a meeting " Mcgonagall said " come on " i said to ginny as we stood up then Draco, Ginny and i left the day care, not taking our kids considering we don't want them to hear what the meeting is about.

When we got there everyone except for a couple people, weren't there yet. after everyone was, they closed the great hall doors and Mcgongall went up to the podium " um we have some news for all of you and please do not be upset, about what i'm about to tell you " she said " um, some how, the serm has made it that you kids are not going to lose your kids you have and um you guys are going to be parents now and after Graduation " she said as people started whispering to each other " we're sorry this has happened, but we can do nothing about " Mcgongall said " why has this happened " someone yelled and people agreed " it looks like all of you slept with each other after taking it " she said " it looks like something in the serm made you guys want to sleep with your partner, " Mcgongall said " now, i'll let you guys think about it but for now, you guys are allowed to leave the great hall and go on with your day " Mcgongall said, everyone left " lets go get Scorpius and Clary " i said, he nodded.

We got back to our room, i put Clary to bed before walking into the living room " Scorpius, why don't we go find Harry hang out with James " Draco said and Scorpius nodded, Draco came back two minutes later " Harry said he'll take care of Scorpius so we can have some alone time " Draco said as i nodded, he smiled as so did i " come on, we have only a little while before Clary wakes up " i said as draco smiled more then we went to the bedroom and did it.

Draco went and got Scorpius from harry as i feed Clary back at our room, after i feed her, i burped her then put her in her rocky chair and turned some t.v on, i asked Mcgonagall if i could have a t.v in our room because draco and i want our kids around muggle things.

It came around dinner time so i made dinner for the four of us.

Ivy's P.O.V
" Reed, i couldn't help it " i said " but it still happened, you can't fall in love with him, you know what he'll do if he doesn't get Ron " Reed said " i know, but still I can't help who i fall in love with " i said " i know, but don't let Ron know, not now, he needs to go through the stages, you know how it works, " He said " we've been doing the same thing for a year, why are you doing this again, you know how he ended up after, dead because you fell in love with him " Reed said " I'm sorry, i know what he did, i was there " i said " when will you understand that what you're doing is wrong " He said " i know, but for now I'm leaving " i said then walked off before he could answer.

Hermione's P.O.V
After we ate i cleaned the dishes as Draco put Clary to bed then took Scorpius to the bathroom for a bath. I went to our room and put on my pjs which were pj shorts and a tank top, i then went to Scorpius's room to find Scorpius already asleep and Draco kissing his forehead " come on babe, " i said quietly, he turned and looked at me " okay " he said then i walked out of Scorpius's room and into our room, i got into bed then Draco came and got changed, we turned on the t.v thats in our room and put it on low so we wouldn't wake up Clary and Scorpius " i love you " i said " i love you too " draco said then i fell asleep.

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