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Willard's P.O.V

My life turned upside down when we got back to the house, Castelle was running around looking for something, shouting at us, many of us were crying or yelling random things "Shut Up!!!!" i yelled finally coming to the senses that we had just left Athena and Trent behind, and Athena hurt, everyone looked at me scared "What are we gonna do?" Holly said scared "We all need to calm down, and know that is gonna be hard, but we need to do it, for all we know, we could set her off, and we do not want that" i said and they nodded

"I wanna go home" one cried "This is our home" Castelle said walking into the room, she muttered something underneath her breath, dropping a blue powder on the ground, which then surrounded the room, like a wall "This is to protect you" Castelle said walking out of the room, i was about to follow her into the next room when i was stopped by an invisible wall, the mist.

"Castelle!!!!" i yelled as everyone started worrying running to windows, doors, anything to get out, but we were locked in.

Trent's P.O.V

I grabbed onto Athena's hand as she was carried to the hospital wing, the nurse running over "What happened?!" she asked as we set Athena on a bed "She was stabbed" i said looking at myself seeing myself covered in blood "Get him out of here!, and get him some other clothes!" she yelled, Ron coming up to me, pulling me out, in shock, i fell to the ground.

Hermione's P.O.V

I sat there on the ground in an abandoned corridor, hearing on the beats of my heart, and rain hitting the pavement outside, thinking of what happened just minutes ago, hoping that this Athena girl would live

but also about the fact that for some reason the last pregnancy went wrong and i didn't have the baby, you could say it was a miscarriage, but i don't really have an answer, like it would matter anyway, i had already graduated, the baby would have been gone.

"Hermione?" i heard Draco call, as i hear footsteps approach, i looked up to see him, wet and shivering "What's wrong?" i asked "I wanted to see how you were doing, you just ran out after Athena was taken out" he said and i nodded "It's just a lot to take in, my aunt is here for revenge or a war, i just, i thought she was over the fight, but i guess not" i said as he sat down beside me "It's gonna be okay, we'll get through it" he said and i nodded.

What felt like forever, quiet, peace, came to chaos again. Harry ran up to us as Draco and i walked back to the great hall "Where have you guys been?! we've been looking for you" he said with panic laced in his voice

"What? why, what's wrong?!" i said worried "Castelle sent a picture, and it doesn't look like anything good" he said as we walked in

everyone was freaking out, crying, or just in shock "Ms.Granger" Mcgonagall said walking up "Glad your here, this was sent to us" she said handing me a picture of my father, mother, and i, with an x through my face

"Oh god" i said covering my mouth "read the back" she said looking down, i turned it around, to see in red marker a note saying "don't even try to find me, or fight back, you'll never win- Castelle"

"We need to get ready, she;s probably getting ready to attack" i said and Mcgonagall nodded "The Great Hall, is gonna be used for you kids, to learn how to fight, and not with Magic" she said and i looked at her in surprise

"Who's gonna train us?" i asked "Me" Trent said....

Sorry for the short chapter!!!

and also for not updating

but hope you like!!! :)

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