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Hermione's P.O.V
(1 month later)

Just a minute ago, we defeated Castelle, her body being taken out in a body bag, i looked around, the wounded and the dead, it was like what Voldemort did all over again, many mothers and fathers crying over there child's body, including George over Angelina's still, cold body.

2 minutes Ago
*Explosion* We all looked up, screams coming from the corridors "She's here" i said "Neville! get Ginny to a safe place" Harry said, Neville nodded grabbing Ginny, i ran out of the library with Draco, First years running out of the library "Harry!" i heard Matthew yell, i looked to my right, to see blood all over his blue tee shirt "What happened?!!!" Harry said freaking out "It's Castelle, she killed Max" he said tears running down his face, Harry pulled Matthew into a hug

"I'm sorry, but i don't think this is the time to stand around, people are dying!!" Ron yelled, we all looked at him "His best friend just died!" i said making Ron look at me " you know how it feels to loose someone don't you?!?!?! let him hug his brother" Draco said "Fine!! but if you guys die, i told you so" he said running off, i looked at Draco "We have got to do something, she still wants me" i said "You're not dying today nor ever, now lets go kill Castelle" Harry said..

We ran into the great hall, Castelle at the front, dead bodies and people fighting everywhere, Castelle made i contact with me, she smirked "You're not hurting anyone else" i mumbled to myself, before i could do anything Draco grabbed me out of the way as a Brigg came running at us, Harry defending himself over a hybrid "Thanks" i said looking at Draco "You are not fighting her by yourself" he said

"Yes i am, she'll kill you" i said "yeah but she's already wanting to kill you" he said looking sad "Don't get killed" i said and he nodded, both off us going after Castelle.

Two Briggs were coming after us, we sent them flying back, hitting the wall, once Castelle was a couple steps away she smiled at me "Well look who it is, the girl I've been wanting" she said "Castelle, you need to stop killing these people, they've done nothing to you" i said "Did you really think you could stop me by talk? and i thought you were the smart one" she chuckled "Looks like your not the smart one" Draco said hitting her with a spell, also sending her flying against the wall, we walked up to her body, she looked up to me "You know what I've tried so hard to kill you, that i haven't been able to, i should give up, maybe i should just kill you're mother!" she said, Draco hitting her with the killing curse

I jumped a bit, he looked at me shocked "I didn't-" i cut him off my hugging him "You just killed Castelle, don't be sorry" i said, it went silent, we both looked towards everyone, all the Briggs looked shocked, dropping they're weapons and kneeling, i could hear one of them say "I'm sorry" others put they're heads down, All the Hogwarts students started to cheer, i was glad it was over but at the same time i feel bad for the Briggs, Castelle was like a mother to them and we just killed they're mother

I looked back at the body, the cold lifeless body "You okay.. Hermione?" Draco asked "She was like a mother to them, she might have done horrible things, killed many people but she was the only one who took care of them when they're own families called them scary or a disgrace to the family, we just killed the one person who loved them like a parent" i said a tear rolling down my eye "This wasn't the Aunt i knew, well of what i remember of her" i said, he looked at me with sad eyes "I know, but we had to do something" he said and i nodded "Now come on, lets go find Harry and the others" he said and i nodded..

Draco and i sat there "Hermione, does this mean we'll be able to have a normal life now?" he asked, i smiled and looked at him "Hopefully" i said as he grabbed my hand "Good, cause I love you" he said giving me a loving look "I love you too, Draco" i said

"Always?" he asked "Always" i said as we smiled.......

19 Years Later

"Mum!!" Ellanora said grabbing onto my sleeve "Honey, slow down, we need to wait for Scorpius and you're father" i said trying to slow down the 10 year old "Scorpius are you ready?" Draco asked our 11 year old son, Scorpius dirty blonde hair slicked back, i could tell he hated it but Draco made him do it " Dad, i'm going off to hogwarts, i'll be fine" Scorpius said chuckling " Then we better go through the portal or you'll miss your train" i said "come on now son, together" Draco said, leading Scorpius into platform 9 3/4, Ellanora and i following right after

Ellanora was taken aback by everything, she was so excited, ever since her and Scorpius's older brother Harrison went off to Hogwarts, she has wanted to go so bad "Mummy! look Uncle Harry is here!" she said pointing then running off, i looked at Draco "We have a wild one on our hands" i said and he chuckled "Yes we do" he said as Scorpius, Draco and i walked over to Harry and Luna, The Twins Lysander and Lorcan Scamander arguing beside us "Hello Draco and Hermione" Luna said smiling "Luna it's nice to see you" i said "Ellanora and Scorpius" Lysander said looking at Ellanora, her cheeks turning red, i smiled

"Where's Ron and Ivy?" i asked looking around "They said they'll be here soon" Harry said unsure "Uncle Harry!!" i heard Hugo yell, we turned around to see Ron and Ivy, with they're kids Rose and Hugo "Aunt Hermione!" Rose said smiling, running up to me for a hug "Rose!!" i said hugging her back, i saw Scorpius smile, standing up straighter, and giving Rose a look of love, i smiled, knowing that one day, he'll figure out what the feeling means, and that she'll hopefully love him back.....

The End

Thank you guys for reading the book!!!

I hope you loved this journey with Draco and Hermione.

It doesn't end there!!!

The Sequel is in the process

anyways i love you guys!!! and i hope you like the sequel when i upload it.


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