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Graduation Day 

Athena's P.O.V

Today is the day, Graduation at Hogwarts, the day Castelle has been waiting for since the start of this year, planning how to lure Cormac, then to make him watch as Hermione dies.

I walked down the corridor, seeing Willard snogging with Clover, a hybrid from South Shields, the purple locks of hair falling off her shoulder as she wrapped her arms around his neck, i rolled my eyes walking past them.

I walked into the living room, seeing Cormac and Castelle, i sighed walking to the other side of the room, grabbing a book from the bookshelf, me being me, i started listening to they're conversation "So how are you liking it here so far?" Castelle asked "Pretty nice, everyone's pretty nice," he said awkwardly "what about Athena?" she asked, acting like i wasn't there "She's really nice, beautiful" he said i started blushing, "Yes, she is very nice, peculiar, but nice, such a gentle girl, it's fairly hard for her though, with the boots, and her family" she said and i could feel the anger boil in me

"What happened to her family?" Cormac asked "Her father left her when she was so very young. he went on to become a death eater, was killed in the war. Athena saw it with her own eyes, she hasn't been the same since" Castelle said, and i finally broke, i turned around, dropping the book on the floor, catching their attention "You just don't know when to stop talking" i said before giving a Banshee scream, Cormac startled grabbed his ears, whilst Castelle just looked at me shocked while holding her ears in pain

Willard and Trent ran in, both running for me, i stopped as Trent through me in his arms "What the hell, did you say to him?!?!" he yelled, he has always been so protective of me "I was just talking about her family" she said, saying like it was just an okay thing to do "You know how she is with that subject" Willard said rubbing my back, as i sobbed into Trent's shoulder, eyes shut "Is she going to be okay?" Cormac asked "does she look okay!" Trent said, i could tell Trent was glaring at him "Trent get her out of here" Willard said and Trent nodded.

Cormac's P.O.V

Seeing Athena that way, made my heart hurt, sad, i looked at Castelle "You didn't see her?" i asked "Well of course i did" she chuckled "You're cruel" i said walking out, wanting to see Athena, I walked down the corridors, but didn't see her.

I ran into Willard "where is she?!" i said, he glared at me "you've already hurt her, you don't need to hurt her more" he said about to walk off but i grabbed his hand "Wait! please, i just want to see her before we leave for the graduation" i said and he sighed "on the right, end of the hallway" he said pointing right "Thanks" i said "Don't make me regret that" he said and i nodded.

I knocked, only to be met by Trent "What do you want?" he said crossing his arms "I want to see Athena" i said "Not possible, she doesn't want to see you" he said "Look just tell her i'm so sorry, i didn't mean for her to get hurt, i should have noticed she was in the room" i said "yeah you should have" he said then slammed the door in my face.

Hermione's P.O.V

I can't believe that it's graduation day. I sighed looking in the mirror, last day of school before i'm done for the rest of my life " That's the last box out of our room" Draco said placing it down with the others, "Last day of school" i said "Yeah" he said looking around the room "and of Scorpius and Clary" i said and he sighed "It's gonna be okay, Mione, we'll get through this together" he said wrapping his arms around me.

Athena's P.O.V

Trent and i sat there on my bed talking, what felt likes hours, probably wasn't "You feeling better?" he asked and i nodded "yeah, thanks, for staying with me" i said smiling a bit "No problem, i had to make sure you were okay" he said smiling, something sparked in me, when i saw him smiling, butterflies in my stomach, my heart racing "You okay?" he asked, his smiling fading, hearing my heart beating so fast "Yeah, yeah, just i'm worried about today" i said and he nodded "What Castelle has done to Cormac is wrong, but we can't control her, she's our leader" he sighed and i nodded, no one knows about the hermione part, but the manipulation part, everyone could see it.

I heard the bell meaning to meet up in the dining room. Trent and i got there, seeing everyone there already, except for Clover and Willard.

"It's time to get ready, when i call your name, that means your coming with," Castelle stated

"Trent, Athena, Cormac, Willard, Rosa, Clover, Grey, Holly" she called out, everyone who didn't get called, groaned sad "I'm sorry, next time" she said, everyone who wasn't coming left the dining room, "Holly you protect Grey.. Rosa you protect Cormac.. Willard with Clover, and Trent with Athena" she said and we all nodded. Rosa's hair coming a bit out of place, when she looked down at the ground blushing from Cormac, The vampire girl, biting down on her bottom lip.

I looked at Trent, seeing him smiling like an idiot, i chuckled, getting his attention "What?" he asked "Nothing" i said as we grabbed what we needed for this 'quest', i grabbed my knife, Trent not needing anything since he's a werewolf, Willard also, Grey grabbed his bow and arrow, Holly with her whip, Clover with her knifes also, and Rosa with her claws and fangs.

we all grabbed onto each others hand, and apperated to the hallways of hogwarts, it was a saturday, graduation, at this time, every 7th year, would be in the great hall, sitting down waiting to be called.

Castelle opened the doors, making everyone look at us, Hermione was the one to stand up than everyone else "Who are you?!" Seamus yelled "your worst nightmare" Castelle said shooting off her crossbow, hitting one of the kids beside Hermione and Draco, Their kids??, making them turn into blue dust, everyone gasped stepping back against the wall "Aunt Velma?" Hermione gasped in shock "That's not my name, it's Castelle!" Castelle yelled shooting the other child beside them "What are you doing?!" one yelled "Getting Revenge" Castelle said glaring at Hermione

That's when Cormac realized that he was lied to "Hey, hey, you are not hurting her!" he said pointing at Hermione "You are the one who agreed to this" Castelle smirked, Hermione looked terrified "You, what?" she said "I didn't know she was doing this" he pleaded "i can't believe you" she said, i looked around at everyone, all scared, sad. Castelle aimed her crossbow at Hermione "there's nothing you can do to stop me, goody two shoe, Hermione" she said, i started getting worried

She was about to shoot when i grabbed Trent's bow and aimed it at her "You're not doing this" i said, and she chuckled, smiling back at me "You wouldn't do that" she smirked, i shot hitting her shoulder, everyone gasped, seeing that i was protecting someone i didn't know

"You shot me!" she yelled "did you think i wouldn't" i chuckled at her, handing the bow back to Trent, who was in shock but was smirking, Castelle gave an evil chuckle "You shouldn't have done that" she said running up to me, stabbing me with the arrow, she had pulled out "No!!!" Trent yelled grabbing me, Castelle grabbed all of the Briggs, including Trent "No, i can't leave her!" he yelled scratching her across the face with his claws

"you have no choice!" she yelled about to apparate, when Trent ran back to me before they did, i could tell Castelle was pissed.

"Who are you guys?" Macgonagall asked "Trent and Athena, Briggs." i said and they nodded confused

"She'll be back, she always is" Trent said

"Then we'll just have to get her first" Draco said smirking........


Do not worry this is not the end of the book, i have changed my mind

Love you guys <3

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