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Sorry for the long wait for this chapter, i have been so busy with school, that i have just not been able to write, but thank you for waiting so long, and i hope you like this chapter!! also sorry for it being short, i promise i will write long chapters when i get onto Winter Break

Hermione's P.O.V

I looked around, we were in a field of dead weeds and flowers, the sky was filled with dark navy blue clouds, the sun hidden by them, making everything look grey and blue. Then i saw it, a big tall mansion, as blue as the clouds, dead vines surrounding it, paint off the wood peeling, wood almost falling off

The only thing that looked alive was the grass, which was a dark color of green, we walked up the creaky old wooden stair case, which i thought would break any second.

We walked in, the walls red, one single desk with a gold lamp, was in the room "This way" one of the men said, forcing me into the room on the right, there she was, Ginny, her face stained with tears "Ginny?!?" i gasped running over "oh good, your here" Castelle said walking in, i looked at her in disgust "what have you done to Ginny" i yelled "Anyways, take them to they're room" Castelle said, waving her hand around.

They dragged us down a corridor, till we hit the end. There stood a dark blue door, with a shiny silver nob, black tiny writing saying 'Private', one of the men opened the door, pushing Ginny in first than me, i looked back running up before they slammed the door closed "Let us out!!" i yelled, banging on the door

"It's no use, it's sound proof, even if anyone came for us, they wouldn't hear you, if anyone comes at least" Ginny said sobbing, i looked at her " Draco will find us, Harry will, they'll find us, they wouldn't give up" i said "Oh stop with the 'They'll save us' bullshit, they aren't coming!!!" she yelled getting up, making me jump back, hitting the door

"Ginny, calm down, your scaring me" i said, she laughed "Your scared? Hermione Granger, scared!!! there's no such thing as you being scared!!!!" she said laughing, Ginny was losing it, they must have done something horrible to have her this way

"Why are you acting like this?" i asked trying to turn the knob, but it didn't budge "They've done some shitty stuff-" she started laughing "If it were to me, i would think your psycho, thinking little draco boo will save you, that you'll have an amazing life with a death eater, have kids! be married! it will never happen-*Laughs in my face* how could he fall in love with some like you" she said backing up

I could feel the tears, begging to come out but they didn't "Don't try and get out, it won't work, you'd have to live, before getting out" she said before attacking me, i screamed hitting the door, her small hands gripped around my throat "Ginny stop!" i begged, all she did was laugh, i tried and tried to get her off, but it was like she was changing, her strength was 10 times stronger than usual "Someone help!" i tried to yell, but it came out more as a gasp

Before i could do anything, the door opened and we fell on the ground, the two teenagers pushing ginny off me, one knocking her out, i gasped, sitting up against the wall

I looked at the two, a girl and boy, they looked about a year younger than me, the girl with long red hair, and the boy with brown short hair "who are you?" i asked "We're Freya and Wren, who know who you are, and we're here to save you both" the Freya girl said "aren't you two Briggs?" i asked "I'm a Banshee, He's a werewolf, and you're a witch, the one we need to save, so come on before Castelle see's we've left" Freya said, i nodded, standing up "How?" i asked "This way" Wren said after throwing Ginny over his shoulder.

We walked down the corridor and took a left, heading down a longer corridor, at the end, was a window, the field visible, tree's in front of the window "your gonna crawl through the window, then i'm gonna pass Ginny to you, than get out of here- oh yeah here's your wand" Freya said handing it to me "Thank You for helping" i said and they nodded "now go! before we get caught" Wren said almost pushing me out the window.

"You hold it right there!" i heard Castelle say, we three turned around to face an angry Castelle, Wren pushed me out the window, making Ginny and i land in the bushes, i grabbed my wand and Ginny, i threw her over my shoulder and started running as fast i could, once i hit the field, i apparate both of us, landing in the library.

Draco's P.O.V
We heard a thud, we all turned around to see Hermione and an knocked out Ginny, my eyes widened before running over "Hey, i'm back" She said both of us smiling at each other and hugging.

"How did you get out?" i asked letting her still down at the table, Ginny still out but sat in a chair "These to Briggs helped, Freya and Wren" i said, i saw Trent eyes light up "Freya and Wren, they're the ones who have wanted to leave the briggs, for a long time, but have never been able to escape Castelle" Trent said looking down sad

"They're okay, they more of were worried about getting ginny and i out" i said and he nodded "They look really cute together also" i said making him chuckle "They've been together since they were 13" he said and i smiled "They're mates" i said and he nodded "yeah, Castelle's never approved of the Relationship, since she's not happy she feels like we all shouldn't" he said sad

"She's gonna come back, she's gonna want to fight next time, we should get training up again" i said and they all nodded "Well then, lets tell Mcgonagall your back" Draco said and i nodded...

yay, i'm uploading a chapter, i promise for more chapters, sorry for the slow updates, once again, i hope you liked the chapter!!

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