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Draco's P.O.V

I sighed, taping the last box, Spring Break, finally here, Hermione and i, had decided to pack our things up and move in together after graduation, but the most terrifying part is we're going to the Malfoy Manor for Spring break, Hermione's first time since, you know what. Well the new Malfoy Manor, Mother moved away and into a house that was on a lake, more like mansion actually.

" Clary, Scorpius, come on, it's time to leave " Hermione yelled from the kitchen " I'm coming " Scorpius yelled, the boy who would actually still be a baby in real life, now 13, since we only have a bit more time till graduation " Clary! " i yelled, the brown haired 10 year old, running out, in a purple dress, and black converses on, covered by a jean jacket " young lady, put some leggings on underneath that dress " i said pointing at her " but dad, it goes down underneath my knees " she pouted, i sighed it wasn't even that inappropriate " fine, but if you better change if your mother tells you too " i said and she nodded with a giddy smile on her face, i chuckled as she skipped along into the kitchen " Oooo, Clary, that is very pretty on you " Hermione said

i chuckled as i could tell, Hermione was a little meh about not having leggings underneath the dress " Thank you mother " Clary said, looking at me with an 'i told you so' face, i smiled " Dad? " Scorpius asked flopping down on the couch, i went and sat down in front of him on the coffee table " yes? " i asked " i know what happens to Clary and i after Graduation " he said, and my heart sunk " we just disappear, and then you go on with your lives, and have kids, named Scorpius and Clary again, then we'll live happily ever after " he said smiling " i know what we are, and i understand it, i don't hate you guys, you were and are my parents " he said and i smiled slightly " i didn't get to choose what happens after Graduation, and i wish it was different, but that is what they had chosen for what would happen, i don't know how Clary will take it, but we're gonna have to get through it " i said and he nodded " i just couldn't hold it back any longer " he said and i nodded " that's okay " i said " your only 13 " i said and he nodded " i know " he sighed " guys, we've got to get going, " Hermione said walking into the living room

" Hermione, we'll get there on time, don't worry " i said and she sighed " your mother said, 2:30, it's going on 1:30 " she said almost freaking out " Hermione, shh, it's okay " i said trying not to laugh, at how she's freaking out " she'll understand " i said and she nodded " we need to get going though " she said walking off to the kitchen again " Scorpius go get your and Clary's suitcases " i said and he nodded hopping up and going to their room " Hermione? you ready to go " i asked and she walked in with Clary " yes, where's Scorpius? " she asked " right here " Scorpius said walking back in with his and Clary's suitcases " okay, we'd better get going " she said grabbing her bag and i grabbing our suitcase

" Don't worry, Hermione, she'll understand " i said as we stepped into the fireplace " Malfoy Manor " i said letting the floo powder leave my hand.

We landed, in the living room, the house lit up, looking happy, no sad, depressing things, like the old one " Mother? " i yelled " Oh, Draco, your already here " Mother said speed walking in from the kitchen " was just fixing up some late lunch and tea " she said smiling, first time in a long time have i seen her smile " I heard about your father, i can't believe he would try and do that " she said sadly, i sighed " It's okay, Luna's fine " i said " and so is Hermione an i " i said and she nodded " i'm glad my you two are okay, but anyways we're are the two little ones " she said excited " Grandma!! " Clary said running and hugging mother

" It's nice seeing you Mrs. Malfoy " Hermione said " Hermione, i told you, you can call me Narcissa " Mother said " Narcissa " Hermione said correcting herself " Now, lets go get you guys settled in " she said making us follow her upstairs and to the right " this is the kids room " she said opening a door on the left " and for you two " she said walking across to the right, opening a door " right across from the kids " she said " i'll let you two settle in, i'm gonna go check on the tea " she said walking away, i Hermione looked in awe " this is beautiful " she said and i smiled at her " yes, my mother loves decorating, if she could she would do it for a living " i said chuckling

" she could make a living out of it, Muggles would love to walk into a room like this " she said looking around, i looked at her confused " there's a job for that out in the muggle world? " i asked, she chuckled " oh, Draco you have so much to learn about the muggle world " she said smiling at me " well, i'm truly excited for that, since i have my beautiful lady, teaching me " i said wrapping my arms around her

" Just wait till you meet my whole family " she said catching me off guard " oh yeah, right, little bit terrifying " i said looking down " don't worry, no one will hurt you, except maybe my uncle Jim " she said making my eyes widen " i'm kidding i'm kidding " she said " well maybe a little " she said unpacking our suitcase " he's very protective of me " she said and i nodded " hopefully i give a good impression " i said " your Draco Malfoy, you'll be fine " she said and i sighed " how did i even get you to like me? " i asked " because there's more to you than your looks, and once you actually get to know you, your wonderful " she said smiling " i'm glad i have you, i've loved you since the first day we met " i said kissing her forehead

" and i'm completely head over heels for you " she said looking up at me, i smiled " i'm a very lucky guy " i said and she smiled " i'm the lucky one " she said " no i'm the one who's lucky to have a beautiful, smart, witch like you, Hermione " i said and she blushed " I love you, but we should go down for lunch " she said and i nodded " i'll check on the kids " i said and she nodded.

Hermione's P.O.V

I walked down stairs and into the kitchen " Hermione, your down " Narcissa said looking up from her book " Yes, Draco's just checking on the kids " i said sitting down at the table " I'm glad Draco has you " she said and i blushed " he's loved you since he first laid his eyes on you, he would never stop talking about you, it was pretty funny to watch your 11 year old, just talk about this girl from school, and that she was so 'annoying' and the hair, but you could tell that he was just trying to hid his feelings from his father " she said looking down " Draco is a great guy, i'm glad i have him, he helped me a lot, and still does, i don't know what i would do without him " i said smiling....

Thanks for reading!!!

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