final author's note

775 38 29

Hey everyone :)

Ah, I don't really know how to start this, I talk so much in my other author's notes, but now I'm done with this book it's kind of crazy because I don't know what to say.

(I'm a very dramatic person, so if it sounds like I'm making things deep and that I'm in my feelings – it's because I actually am lol.)

I guess thank you? Thanks for reading all the way to the end. This is my first book I've ever written, my first book on Wattpad and it's kind of overwhelming and crazy to know that there are people out there who have made it through all fifty-eight chapters.

Every read, vote, comment and little interaction makes me very happy, so yeah, I really do appreciate it. For those who were there from the very beginning, the very first cover, the first 100 reads and who have stuck in till now, for those who found me along the way, and for those who might be reading long after it's been completed – thank you.

Honestly, when I picked the title, I didn't think too much about it, I just wanted to start and chose the first thing that came to mind. But as I kept writing, I realized it was a very important theme and it tied in very nicely with the plot. I think it was chapter 22 where I realized the title could make that much more sense and relate to the storyline.

I don't think I even need to explain my reasoning too much for having them breakup as I think by the end of things, it was clear.

But still, I will say that Narae and Jungkook are two people that love each other a lot, but are at different stages in their lives. I saw someone comment that they're a matter of right place wrong time, and I think that sums up their relationship best. Even though they love each other, the people that they are, the decisions that they make, the things that they can accept and the things that they've experienced all contribute to how their story has ended.

I hope the ending wasn't too abrupt, or rushed or sudden, because for me, this was always how it was supposed to go. I was looking back on my notes, and I found that after I wrote chapters 1-4 (all the way back in January lol), the next chapter I began drafting out was the breakup chapter. So yeah, for me, I always knew it was coming. It wasn't like I woke up one day in the middle of writing and decided to just break them up.

I'd suggest reading it again from the beginning, because when you know how they'll end up, there are so many more things you might have overlooked in the first read – much like how Narae did until it became glaringly obvious in the last few chapters. Obviously, you may not want to read all fifty-eight chapters again, but at least if you read the prologue, you'll see that things were gearing up to end up this way from the start.

Also, the playlists lol. I kind of banked on the fact that no one ever really pays attention to those, and I completely spoiled the plot of the story through the song choices and lyrics used – so, I mean, at least I tried to give you a little warning.

Now for the question I know everyone's asking: Is this the end of Narae and Jungkook's story?

I don't know honestly.

Funnily enough, I actually have a whole sequel planned out for them— but it's one that I won't share the details of just yet in case I actually decide to post it. So it is possible to say that this isn't the end for them.

But at the same time, I'm conflicted, because I'm also satisfied with where they've left things right now and I'm ready to get started on the other stories I have planned in the series. Ending their story here makes perfect sense.

So yeah, I don't know the answer to that question, and I won't be able to give you a clear response just yet. When I decide though, I'll obviously let you know. And also, I'm always open to hearing what you guys have to say about it all.

As I'm always whining about in my author's notes, I'm a uni student, so even if I do end up writing a sequel, (which actually, the more I think about it, the more unlikely it becomes) it won't be for some time, as I should probably prioritize finishing my master's lol. So please don't get your hopes up.

But yeah, this last author's note wasn't supposed to be all gloomy and sad. I was actually going to share lots of behind the scenes stuff, like who was supposed to like who originally, my thought process behind some of the chapters, talk about my favourite scenes and scrapped plotlines. However, the mood of the final two chapters was just too sombre and it would be too much of a contrast lol. But if you do have any questions, I will try my best to answer the ones that I can!

I am happy though– but also kind of sad that it's all over. I really hope you enjoyed reading Before You Love Me as much as I enjoyed writing it!

Till next time,

zaf <3

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