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Charli normally went on long walks by herself at night to clear her mind.
She felt a little uneasy walking alone this time so she carried her small pocket knife in her pocket along with some pepper spray.
Charli was the girl with a lot of friends but always felt alone so these walks usually help her clear her racing mind.
Normally Charli would put her headphones in and play some music but she wasn't feeling it tonight.
She just walked into the complete darkness where she would sit in the woods and come to her senses.
She sat on the curb and pulled out her water bottle and just sat there alone while her thoughts raced.
Sure Charli has been in great relationships but she just never felt like she was making them happy, she has had a crush on this one guy she went to school with. Chase, Chase Hudson, but every single time she was around him he would just disappear or just act really weird around her.
He was really hot though, he was somewhat rude to her.
One time her told Charli she smelled really bad and it made her really self conscious being that her crush just told her that she smells.
She shook it off after about two or three months but after that he just stopped showing up to school when they were paired up as partners for a project.
  Hey miss do you need a ride anywhere? I'm heading toward North st.?
  No, I'm just here collecting my thoughts. Thank you though. Charli has a faint smile plastered across her face and waved the woman off.
  Okay hun. You're welcome. Be safe out here you don't know what or who is lurking in them woods. The older woman waved at Charli who politely smiled.
A police officer then pulled up and approached Charli with their lights on.
Miss Char please be careful out here at this time. We just got a call about a cannibal woman feasting on a dead man's body nearby so I advise you to get home please.
She was wearing a black hoodie and ripped jeans with dark curly hair and reddish brown eyes. Have you seen her?
Charli's heart raced and she didn't know why. She felt like something bad was about to happen. N-no sorry. If I do see her I'll give you a call though.
We can give you a ride home if you'd like? The man kindly said. No thanks, I'm about to head home now. Thank you Mr. Dan. She softly smiled and grabbed her water bottle and bag.
Do you live near?
Yeah I live like 15 minutes down the road. I enjoy the walk. She said and turned on her heel, heading back towards the lighted areas of the main road. Okay be safe ma'am.
Charli put her phone in her pocket and took the long way home by cutting through an alleyway.
Hey pretty girl. A taller girl smiled and walked up to Charli.
Black hoodie, ripped jeans, dark curly hair, reddish brown eyes.
Charli's heart raced faster and she took a step back.
Don't be scared. You're too pretty to kill and feast on.
But still, Mr. Dan's voice rumbled throughout her mind. She took another step back and the girl raced behind her in a blink of an eye.
You can't tell anyone about me pretty. It isn't safe out here for people like me. She kept walking towards Charli until her back touched the cool brick wall of the alleyway.
Shhh don't be scared I won't hurt you. Her soft, lustful voice cooed and she brushed Charli's cheek with her freezing cold hand.
You smell so sweet. She husked and kissed Charli's neck.
My perfume or- Avani cut her off. No pretty, your blood.
A-are you l-like a vampire or something? Charli's voice shook and Avani cooed again.
Maybe I am but you don't have to worry darling. You're way too pretty to kill.
Charli gulped and looked around with tears filling her eyes.
There's no need to cry. I won't hurt you I promise. Avani whispered and backed away from Charli.
Come on I'll walk you home to make sure you're safe. The taller girl put her arm around Charli's shoulder and they began walking.
Thoughts just tan through Charli's head.
What if she breaks in and kills me.
What if she leads me somewhere and feasts on my body.
What if there are others that are going to find me and kill me
I'm terrified.
Someone help me.
You know I can hear your thoughts right? The girl said out loud. Charli's heart dropped.
There's no need to panic pretty, they know not to touch you. Trust me.

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