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Don't touch her. Avani sassed as they put her in the handcuffs.
  Babe I-Im fine. Don't worry about me. Charli grunted, trying to pull away from the cold metal cuffs. Charli was terrified, she felt numb but afraid. Fear was the only thing she could feel through out her small body.
  Charli stood there, crying as the put her in cuffs. Wait until her dad figures out how you're handling her! Avani spat at the officer.
  Once they got into the interrogation room Charli sat there, crying her eyes out. She wished Avani had come to save her like always but it was highly impossible.
The man came in, sitting in front of the crying girl. We are going to interrogate you, there are cameras rolling, anything you say or do will be held against you.
Avani on the other hand wasn't freaking out like her fiancé was. Avani was fairly calm, emotionless in fact. Her face was rested but her leg was bouncing and tapping around the ground, not from fear or anticipation, but from anger. She was so angry with herself that she even came into the house and got Charli caught.
Is there anything you need before we start the questions?
I want to see Charli. I want to see my fiancé. Avani grunted. Meanwhile they were asking Charli.
Charli was scared. She didn't know what to say.
I-I want Avani. Charli's eyes were really red, beyond crying red. They were irritated from the pepper mace that was being sprayed.
Why are you attacking with with pepper spray! Avani shouted, trying to escaped the officers grip. She's a vampire! She doesn't deserve to live. Kill her now! The police called for backup while Avani fought them off of her fiancé.
Charli just cried, hoping to wake up from the nightmare.
Once they let Avani go, she ran to Charli, hugging her tightly and kissing her head. I'm here my love. Don't worry. Avani calmly and very softly whispered as she embraced her fiancé.
She knew how Charli was feeling. She couldn't let her feel that any more.
They seem so innocent. Why would they be Vampires?
Avani stared into the man's eyes, putting him into a trance so he could let them go. Charli didn't know what was going on. She just thought Avani was angry.
I love you pretty. We will be home soon.
I love you too. Charli clinged on to the taller girl tighter than before, trying to knock back her never ending stream of tears.
These girls are innocent. We got the wrong people.
Charli looked up at Avani. She knew what she just did but she didn't care. She just wanted to be with Avani.
They walked out of the police station, hand in hand as the rushed to the house.
Hey what the hell is going on? Dixie asked as her and Addison rushed to the two girls.
T-they found out. Charli was out of breath and her voice was cracking. Hi kid I missed you. Addison hugged Charli tightly, rubbing her hand up and down her back gently.
  I missed you too Adds.
Oh. This is the girl Dixie was talking about. You're really pretty. I'm Addison, Dixie's fiancé.
  Hi. I'm Avani and Im Charli's fiancé. Avani smiled, pulling the blonde into a hug.
  Hey you're cold do you need a blanket or anything? Addison asked and Avani giggled.
  No silly Avani and I are Vampries. We're always cold. Charli nudged her fiancés shoulder which made her crack a smile.
  Wait you weren't joking? Addison's face turned blank as she looked at Dixie.
  I told you I wasn't kidding but who cares. They are still family. Dixie ruffled up Charli's hair which made her frown and then Addison giggled.
  Can you read minds? The taller blonde poked Charli's forehead which made everyone laugh out loud.
   Yeah and I can also do this. Charli glanced at a water bottle on the counter and pulled it off just with one swift move of her eyes.
  Woah. T

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