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Hey. You're going to be late what's going on? Dixie barged into the room to find Charli alone crying her eyes out.
  Hey kid what's wrong? Dixie sat next to Charli and pulled her into a hug.
    Avani left me.
Dixie didn't know what to do, rather than what to say. She just sat there, hugging her little sister.
  You can stay home today if it makes you feel better. I'm going into town to get Addison if you want to come along.
  Charli silently nodded, trying to figure out a way to cure her pain and sorrow.
  Charli's hands shook and her breathing was cut by sobs and tears.
  You're okay sis. Why don't you come down and I make some coco and brownies.
Charli couldn't help but to smile a bit. Dixie just knew coco and brownies always makes Charli feel better. Ever since they were kids and their mom left, it was up to Dixie to be there with Charli while their father was at work.
Dixie gave her sister one more hug before standing up and walking towards the door. Come down when you're ready kid.
The door closed slowly and softly and Dixie's footsteps were heard, trampling down the stairs.
Charli stared at the ring on her finger. The big, bright, red, ruby ring Avani had given her.
She missed her with her entire heart. If only Avani would come back.
Charli wiped her tears, encouraged to fix things with her fiancé.
Charli quickly gathered herself as she remembered Dixie was going to make her coco and brownies.
Hey. I saved the bowl for you, I know it's your favorite part of making brownies.
Charli found a smile leaking on to her face as Dixie passed her the chocolate covered bowl.
  The sisters found themselves in the living room watching television, eating the brownies and drinking the coco, all while laughing their asses off to whatever was playing on the television.
  See Char, being happy isn't that hard, you just have to be happy around the right people and if Avani is one who makes you happy, then you chase after her but if she doesn't make you happy, there's no point in chasing her because there is nothing going on in your relationship if there is no spark of happiness.
  Those words drilled right through Charli's mind. Dixie was right.
  Dix i-I really love her and it was my fault she left. I shouldn't have been so stupid.
  Char. I'm sorry.
Dixie just pulled her into a hug and looked at her.
  Vampire or not. She's still my sister and I still love and care for her with everything in me.
   Charli always felt safe around her sister. Dixie was more of a mother figure to Charli after Heidi left them to get married to a rich dude in California.
  For the rest of the day the two sisters sat on the couch enjoying their warm brownies and coco while they watched a movie together, more like tiktok since they were ignoring the television.
  Okay goodnight kid. I'll be upstairs if you need me. Dixie went up to her own bedroom, leaving Charli downstairs alone.
  Charli sighed to herself while gathering her blanket and phone to take back up to her own room.
  She carefully pushed the door open with her foot and looked up to see Avani laying in her bed.
  Avani go away.
   Pretty we need to talk. Avani stood up and began walking towards the shorter brunette.
  Charli took a really deep breath and opened her mouth to speak.
Am I not good enough anymore? Huh? Because you were all about me the first 9 months and then a simple argument starts and then you just disappear like we aren't engaged.
  Suddenly there were knocks at the door. I got it kid! Dixie said, walking out her room and jogging down the stairs.
  Hi can I help you? Dixie said as she turned the porch light on so she could see the person.
Is this the home of Charli D'amelio and Avani Gregg?
  Y-yes is everything okay?
I'm detective Stan and I work for the New York police department. Are the two girls home?
  The man looked inside the house to find Charli and Avani standing at the top of the stair well.
  Ah, hello girls. I'm going to need you both to come out and keep your hands where I can see them.

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