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Hey sweet girl. Avani smiled while walking into the kitchen where her fiancé was, washing dishes.
Hi my love. Nap well?
Hm. You left me but yea I slept good.
That's good baby. Dixie and Addison headed out for the day so it's just us here unless you know. My dad decides to stop by which is less than likely. Avani nodded and continued hugging Charli for a long minute.
It was time for them to go on their walk. Though it was earlier than usual, charli just felt like she needed to get some things off her mind.
Okay grab a jacket my love. Avani said as they walked out the door.
No. I'll be alright.
Avani tied her hoodie around her waist as they began walking down the side of the road.
Charli brushed her hand against Avani's but Avani knew something was up with her body temperature.
My love I told you to bring a jacket. It's chilly out here. Avani snapped while pulling charli into a hug.
I don't feel cold. I'm alright my love I promise. The shorter girl assured and laid her head on the taller girls shoulder as they walked.
   Why dont we go to the lake where I proposed to you. I want to show you something. Avani took Charli by the hand and led her down the dar, Dusty path deep into the woods. Charli looked around while them sudden memories of Avani proposing to her. Charli smiled and looked up, Suddenly watching Avani taking off her shirt and diving into the cool, dark water.
  Come on in my love. There's nothing to be afraid of. Avani smiled while making her way rto the wooden dock where Charli was standing. You can wear my shirt if you'd like.
  Charli shook her head and took off her shirt before sitting on the wooden dock. Avani. I dont want to jump in. I hate deep waters. Charli said but before she could say anything else Avani grabbed her by the waist and lowered her into the deep water. There's nothing to fear Pretty. I have you. Avani softly smiled and leaned in for a kiss. Charli smiled, closing the gap in between them. Avani fully lowered her into the lake and and looked deep in to her eyes. You have the most beauitiful eyes. I have never met anyone with such gorgeous eyes. Avani watched as her fiance became quiet but small giggles were heard.
  Stop! I'm blushing. Charli cackled while Avani began tickling her. Avani let a loud giggle out while she watched her fiance's reaction
Oh I know you're blushing. Avani smirked, leaning in and kissing Charli's neck ever so gently.
Woah woah woah. Chill! Charli basically gasped as she held on to Avani together.
Someone's getting a little flustered aren't they. Avani breathed out and kissed her neck once more.
Avani giggled as she watched Charli's reaction.
Quit it. Charli whined as she swam towards to wooden dock. Shhh. Charli whispered while ducking. What why?
  Shhhhhh. She hushed again and pulled Avani closer to her.
   Police. Charli lowly whispered.
They both watched as the police men searched around with flashlights before locking up the gate.
   Shit. Avani murmured under her breath as the policemen got in their car and drove off.
  Charli pulled herself out of the waiter and soon Avani did.
   Charli put her own shirt on while Avani was still getting out of the water.
   How are we going to get out? Charli frowned while approaching the fence.
   Can you climb? You're still a new vampire and can't jump as high but can you climb?
   I-I can climb up but not down.
Avani paused for a second as she pulled her hoodie over Charlis head.
   I'll go over first. And then you come over and I will catch you. Okay? The older girl waited for her fiancés reply but she got none.
  Okay baby? I'll be right there to catch you. Nothing to fear.
   Charli then nodded softly. Almost too softly.
Avani ran and jumped on to the gate and climbed over the rest of the way.
   Okay. Okay come on pretty I'll be right here. Avani raised her arms waiting for charli to even begin climbing.
   Charli took a deep breath before she started climbing. She hates heights when Avani can't hold her hand and tell her it's alright.
  She still trusted Avani's words though.
  Once she got to the other side she held her breath as Avani said some more calming things.
   Don't worry pretty. I got you. I'll catch you. Whenever you're ready.
   Charli closed her eyes as she felt her grip loosen.
She felt herself falling although she hasn't even let go of the fence yet.
  Charli let go. Her breathing stopped completely.
She fell into Avani's arms, not taking a breath yet.
   It's alright. I have you.

𝙻𝚄𝚂𝚃 (Chavani)<3Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora