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Fuck. Sirens. My dads here for breakfast.
Charli got up but immediately dropped to the floor, trying to gather herself so she could get dressed. Well you got your wish. Avani winked and helped the girl off of the floor.
Just sit here pretty. I'll grab you some clothes if you just tell me where.

I think I'm falling for a vampire
Charli secretly hoped Avani heard that one but she didn't react at all.
  Avani held out two different shirts and a pair of black shorts for Charli.
D-did you hear my thoughts a minute ago? Charli asked as Avani helped her get dressed.
No, I have to be looking at you to hear them. Why?
No reason. The smaller girl looked up and requested a kiss which she happily received.
Wanna help make some breakfast? Charli asked as she climbed on to Avani's back.
Of course. Avani's skin felt warm again. Charli loved how she could change just for her.
D-does you dad and his "friend" know my name?
No I don't think so why?
I don't want them to take me away from you. You make me feel so secure. Avani said as she placed the smaller girl on the counter.
Soon after, Charli's dad and Dan were sitting at the table with Charli and Avani, enjoying breakfast and coffee before work.

Is my daughter a lesbian?
That girl looks so familiar. I should have asked the lead for a photo.

My daughter is acting really weird.
Is Marc's daughter a lesbian?

Avani got up and went into a different room to breathe so Charli went and followed.
You okay? Charli asked and sat next to her, grabbing her hand loosely.
Their thoughts. I-I'll tell you later. Go enjoy breakfast I'm gonna sit in here and think.
Okay, join us back soon please.
So Char, is she your girlfriend? Her dad asks, not thinking about anything else.
No dad. She's just a really cool girl I met at school and well, I needed a roomie so I'm not alone while Dixie is in college.
Ah I see. She's really pretty though and if she was your girlfriend I would love you either way. Marc said, grabbing his keys and hat.
Bye dad I love you, be safe at work. Bye Mr. Dan. Charli waved as they walked out the door.
Charli's legs got another ache and she almost fell over but Avani was there to catch her.
Be careful pretty, can't risk you getting hurt on my watch. Avani said, sweetly.
I never thought a vampire would be so caring to me.
Avani just smiled and scooped her up.
Her skin felt cold again but Charli still felt safe with her either way.
So? What were they thinking?
Well your dad was wondering if you were lesbian and Dan was well. Thinking I was the "cannibal".
Charli scoffed. Dan can be really slow sometimes, sometimes I wonder how he got into police academy in the first place and even if they figure out you're a vampire I wouldn't let them lay a finger on you.
Avani chuckled at the sudden cockiness the smaller girl felt.
Can I take you to the woods? To meet my family?

What if they hate me or worse, when she's not looking they'll kill me.

I won't let you out of my sight darling plus. They know not to touch what's mine.
Charli gently smiled before hiding her face into the vampires neck.
You promise you'll protect me?
I promise pretty. Now come on. Let's get you all dressed up.
Avani helped Charli choose and black dress that perfectly hugged her curves.
Wow. So perfect. Avani smiled and wrapped her arms around Charli's waist.
Avani looked into Charli's deep, brown eye and just got lost in them.

Kiss me! Kiss me! KISS ME!

Avani leaned down and captured the smaller girls lips passionately.

Her lips are so smooth. I got addicted after our first kiss

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