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So beautiful. Avani smiled as her fiancé walked out of the bathroom.
  Really babe? I'm only wearing jeans and a T-shirt. Charli rolled her eyes and went to kiss Avani.
  Still beautiful. Avani smiled and caressed her girlfriends cheek.
  I need to go. It's 7:32. Charli said, grabbing her backpack and heading outside. Hey. You forgot something. Avani giggled as she ran to catch up to the shorter girl.
Me dummy. I'm not letting you walk to the bus stop alone. Avani grabbed the shorter girls hand and kissed it as the continued walking to the bus stop.
Damelio! Wait up! A boy behind them shouted.
Avani whipped her head around and saw a skinny, tall boy approaching them.
Oh hey Josh. Charli said as she held on to her fiancés arm.
  Who's this Char? He asked, nudging the shorter girls shoulder.
  This is my fiancé, Avani.
Wait- since when?
I'm so proud of her. She's like my sister
Since last night. She proposed with this really pretty ruby ring. Charli held her hand out as Avani
Smiled at her.
Wait a minute- Charli likes women?
Charli and Avani chuckled to themselves as the continued walking.
  Bye my love. Charli whispered, holding her hands around the taller girls neck and kissed her lips softly.
  Bye pretty have a good day. I love you. Charli walked on to the bus, waving to Avani with a faint smile. I love you too. She managed to say before the door closed and the bus drove off.
  Avani went straight to the house and started cleaning up meanwhile everyone was crowding Charli and whispering to each other.
I heard she's married to a vampire queen now.
How come I never noticed how pretty she was
  Is she a vampire too?
I heard she was pregnant
Charli put her headphones in and stared out the window until the large, familiar building was in view.
  High school ugh.  She thought to herself as she took her headphones out and grabbed her bag, trying to make it off of the bus before everyone to avoid communicating with anyone but she bumped into chase.
  He wasn't acting weird anymore and Charli finally put the pieces together.
  Hey. He said, grabbing her arm before she could walk away.
Woah. She's such a pretty girl.
I-I'm engaged. Her small voice shook
  To who? His eyebrows raised in shock but he tried to contain that feeling.
  T-to Avani.
Avani as in. The most powerful vampire in the world? Chase looked her up and down before stepping closer.
  You got yourself a good one considering your just as powerful as she is. Chase backed away slowly and Charli sprinted to class.
  Charli hoped the day would go by quicker but it was just barely inching by.
  Welcome back to school children or should I say, 12th graders. Grab your text books and get to page 137 in the history section. 
  Charli mentally groaned as she took out the giant book and slammed it on to her desk with a grunt.
  Woah there D'amelio. Take a breath. Josh snickered from the back of the class. I hate it here. Charli mouthed to him and he rolled his eyes.
What a dumbass to have as a best friend
Charli flipped him off and began reading but realized he doesn't know she could read minds.
  Charli glanced over at Josh. He was reading or at least pretending to but he felt her gaze rush over jim.
  His body was covered in goosebumps and suddenly he felt sleepy.
  He didn't remember what had happened 5 minutes ago but he just shook it off as if it was morning sleepiness but something just didn't sit right with him.
The moment the bell rang Charli chased after Josh in the hall.
What happened back there Charli?
Charli stuttered over her words.
I-I honestly don't know.
She couldn't risk telling another person that she is a vampire.
  I need to get to class. Josh stormed off and Charli watched as he disappeared into the crowd of people. She sighed to herself before going on with her day but everyone was trying to be her partner for a project.
  Look. I'll work with... Jaila.
Charli chose to work with the quiet girl instead of those popular girls, plus, Charli was really smart and so was Jaila so they are guaranteed to get an A.

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