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You're lying! Charli screamed out as her dad shook his head slowly. Avani isn't dead. You're a liar. Go away! She cried out as she punched his chest.
   She's dead. She deserves to be. She's a filthy vampire and you're lucky you are still alive because- because what dad. Because she's different now? She's not the perfect little princess you always wanted after mom died? People change. You should know that. You went from a perfect father to a complete drunk and left me to raise charli on my own while I was doing school and college. Dixie shoved him as charli got weak. Her tears were pouring out even faster than before and her entire body was shaking.
  He looked charli in the eyes again, watching her weep in sorrow.
  Your girlfriend is dead Charli. She's gone okay just forget about her. Charli's dad shouted, watching his daughter crumble at his feet.
Dad. Leave. Now. Dixie shoved him as Addison helped the shorter girl up off of the ground.
Charli. She's gone. You should have never been so. So fucking arrogant. She deserves to be dead. It's for the best. Her spat, Dixie slamming the door in his face.
She can't be gone. She can't be. Charli cried into Addison's arms. Shhh kid. I know it's hard. Charli just cried. She's never cried this hard in her life and it completely tore Dixie and Addison apart to see her like this.
We love you charli. We won't leave your side anytime soon. Dixie whispered, pulling the blanket over Charli and climbing into bed next to them, turning on Charli's comfort movie, after.
They just sat there in silence. For the next few days Dixie stayed home from work to be by her little sisters side through every stage of grief.
Okay. Goodnight char. Need anything, just text my phone. I'll be awake. Dixie walked out after shutting the light off, leaving the door slightly cracked.
Charli just laid in the dark. The sheets still smelled like Avani, the hoodie still smelled of her strong scent and the room just felt like Avani. If that makes any sense.
Charli tried her best not to cry but nothing was helping.
She missed Avani, she missed the way she would scoop her up and wipe her tears away while whispering sweet nothings into her ear.
  Oh how charli just wanted to hear Avani's voice just once more. One more time is all charli was begging for.
  She opened her phone and went straight to hers and Avani's text messages, the last thing sent was a voice message from Avani.
  Good morning pretty. I headed out to get you some surprises for our anniversary. I hope you slept well. I love you.
  Charli repeated it multiple times. She took a second and listened to the background noises. Avani wouldn't just go into town, especially around noon. That's when it's most dangerous out.
   There was shouting in the background but charli couldn't make out what was being said.
  She figured it was all in her crazy mind so she turned off her phone and laid down, closing her eyes with tears still spilling out.

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