Fort Awesomness

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California, Oregon, and the four corners, Utah, New Mexico, Colorado and Arizona are playing a game of Triple Dog Dare. They are sitting in a circle.

"Alright, Cali your next." New Mexico gasps, still tired from running laps around the house.

"It's California, not Cali. Utah, I triple dog dare you to build a tower out of anything you touch next until it's taller than you." Utah gets up and taps on Arizona who stands up, Arizona is clearly taller than Utah. With a smirk she sits back down.

"Oregon I triple dog dare you to scream mom's national anthem at the top of your lungs right now." she declares mischievously.

"Easy." Oregon laughs before taking a deep breath filling his lungs with air. One national anthem later and a lot of now annoyed states. It's now Colorado's turn who's dared to lick the bottom of Oregon's shoe, after a bit of hesitation he does it.

"California I triple dog dare you to do jumping jacks until you either throw up or it's my turn again." Groning California gets onto his feet and begins doing jumping jacks.

A few trunks later and a whole lot of jumping jacks its Colorado's turn again and California can stop doing jumping jacks. Utah's up next,

"Colorado I triple dog dare you to prank call a random person." Rolling his eyes he diels up a number.

"Uh. Hello? When will my pizza be arriving, yes yes lots of pineapple. Thanks!" Turning to his fellow players he puts a finger to his lips and hangs up. They can hear stomping from upstairs as someone makes their way to the balcony.

It's Michigan who's furious. "PINEAPPLE DOESN'T BELONG ON PIZZA YOU PIECE OF S-" She is cut off by Wisconsin making a loud beeping noise effectively drowning out her expletive.

"Stop pushing me Minnesota, let me kill him!" They can hear the trio start to argue as Minnesota and Wisconsin herd Michigan away.

Colorado dissolves into hysterical laughter, after a while he recomposes himself and the game continues.

Across the house Florida is leading a large group of states to the dining room.

It's all going according to plan. Florida thinks as he leads the way to the large dining room, that's right in between the kitchen and the entryway. His smirk only widens when they reach it, he turns around to his army.

"Now go forth and bring all the pillows and blankets you can find, we will create the biggest and best fort to ever exist!" And with that all the assembled states let out their battle cries and leave the room scattering around the house to begin their hunt.

Working together, Oklahoma, Rhode Island, Pennsylvania and South Carolina begin to throw down pillows and blankets from the top of the stairs, while Delaware, Georgia, Hawaii, Idaho grab them from the bottom of the stairs and bring them into the dining room.

Florida watches them for a bit before going to check on the construction of the fort which is coming along nicely.The table is clear of anything once on it and blankets are spread across it with pillows holding them down.

Connecticut, the best at building forts, is using a rope to pull a long sheet up using one of the three chandeliers in the room as a pulley, once high enough she ties it to a chair which has dumbbells, from the gym, on it to prevent it from flying upward.

Once the fort is finished Florida makes another announcement "Alright, we're going to have Connecticut, the fort building master, check and see if it's alright to be in." Connecticut circles the massive fort and checks every chair blanket and pillow. Once the exterior has passed its inspection Connecticut crawls inside the fort, after a few minutes she comes back out.

"Yep all good, we can go in it."

"This fort shall now be known as Fort Awesomeness" Florida declares,

As he finishes his declaration the other states rush into the fort to check out the product of their hard work. Florida smiles, and literally pats himself on the back as he thinks,

Great Idea, that oughta keep them busy. His conversation with America is still fresh in his mind. As he preoccupied thinking about how to keep occupied, several states began bringing in pillows, sleeping bags, games, books, etc.

Guam walks up to Florida and tugs on his pant leg, snapping him out of his daydream. He crouches down to his level.

"Yeah Guam?"

"Can we sleep in the fort?" He asks, giving him the puppy dog eyes.

"Aw, of course! Why wouldn't we sleep in it?" Florida pauses for a moment before adding in, "Lets go and get your sleeping stuff okay?" Guam nods eagerly and leads the way up the stairs to the nursery where the child still sleeps.

Florida gathers his things and helps Guam get back down the stairs, one at the bottom he turns to Florida.

"I will do it now!"

"Do what?"

"Hold things!"

"Are you sure?"

"Yep! I got it!" He smiles mischievously, his arms outstretched ready to receive her things. Florida gives him the blanket and pillow along with the stuffed Ko'ko' bird.

He scurries off into the fort and out of sight, Florida follows more slowly behind. As he enters the fort he spots Nevada trying to start a game of poker, She looks up and their eyes meet.

"Hey Florida, do you want to play a game of poker? We are looking for one more person."

"Eh, sure. Why not." Florida shrugs and joins Alabama, Iowa, Indiana and Kansas who are seated in a circle. They shift to make room for Florida. After a long game of poker which Nevada won, of course, Florida goes and joins the midwestern states, Minnesota, North and South Dakota, Wisconsin, and Ohio playing uno.

After a few hours of switching between games America returns home looking exhausted and troubled. She doesn't say hello to everyone like usual, instead she just enters her office, gently closing the door behind her. All games and talking stops abruptly. America had not even acknowledged the fort.

"Is momma okay?" The US Virgin Islands asks no one in particular. No one answers instead the games and chatter pick up again but more hushed and less enthusiastic.

After about an hour America exits the office and greets everyone like usual, America Samoa runs up to her grabbing her pant leg she exclaims

"Momma! You didn't say hi right away!" America picks the little girl up and responds.

"I'm sorry sweetheart, I just had some work to finish right away."

"Oh... Okay!" American Samoa wiggles out of her arms and wanders away to join Puerto Rico and Northern Mariana Islands coloring. America walks into the dining room to inspect the fort.

"This is awesome! Did you have Connecticut to make sure it's safe?"

"Yep!" Florida pipes up from the crowd of states surrounding America. And with that America leaves the dining room and enters the kitchen to begin making dinner, with the help of the 13, Maine and Vermont, dinner is quickly made and portions of food are set out.

States take their food and go sit on the floor around the massive fort. Everyone, including America, eats their food in silence, enjoying their meal. Florida is the first to finish his food, he gets up and goes into the kitchen placing the dishes in the sink.

"Good night Y'all I'm going to bed." He announces, popping his head back into the dining room. No one acnowlanges him, unbothered by this Florida goes up stairs to his room. Without bothering to shower or even change his clothes he climbs under the covers and goes to sleep.


Word Count: 1750

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