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Cowboy hat, check. Barrett M82, check. Toothpick, check. Tennessee, Check. Football, Nope. Put those together and what do you get, a pissed off Texas forced to stand guard over a door leading nowhere, when instead he could be playing football against tennessee, If only those damn vipers didn't come I'd be beating tennessee so bad he'd quit rather than finish the game. Texas thinks as he plays with the toothpick poking out of his mouth.

Adjusting his hat he looks at his running back, Florida, who was busy staring at the wall muttering to himself. Eyup, he's officially lost it. Texas eyes his gun, his beautiful Barrett M82. Taking it out of its holster he admires its shine, proud of himself that he's taken such good care of it. He thinks back on fond memories, like last summer when he went hunting with mom, or even last weekend when he threatened New Jersey with it. He sighs, What fun times aye Barrett? He returns his gun to it's holster just as Vermont walks over,

"Everything alright over here?" she asks the boys, they turn to face her.

"Yeah, why?"

"Just checking, it's been pretty quiet up there..." she glances towards Florida who's staring through Vermont still muttering.

"Uhm... Is he okay?"

"Yep, Just anxious, he gets like this sometimes."

"You sure?"

"Like I said, it's anxiety. He doesn't like enclosed spaces, claustrophobia ya know?"

Florida eyes the ceiling warily, his breath quickens, Texas notices this and gives his brother a comforting pat on the shoulder.

"It'll be alright bud." He says trying to replicate mom's way of calming him down. The unnerving, unending silence certainly doesn't help. Vermont leaves and a few of the younger states want to play duck duck goose, the game starts thanks to Delaware. Texas watches them from his post, once Minnesota is it he exclaims Grayduck instead of goose, Wisconsin stands up and shouts

"Goose not grayduck!"

"That's just how I say it, same thing."


"Yes it is!"




"YES" Minnesota wails starting to get frustrated, Delaware intervenes.

"How about we play a different game?"

"Okay, but leave Minnesota out of it. He always ruins the games. He is so weird."

"I do not meanie head! And I am not weird!"

"Minnesota Please apologize to Wisocnsin who needs to remember to be nice.


"Apology... NOT accepted!" Wisconsin says with a laugh which quickly turns into a sheepish snicker as she looks at Delaware. Looking scared she turns back to Minnesota who's close to tears, with a hug and a sincere apology the two are back to being best friends they rejoin the others and start playing a different game, Texas by this point has lost interest and doesn't pay any more attention to them.

"Well that was amusing." Florida remarks turning to Texas, apparently he had watched the whole thing as well, and it seems to have helped him calm down a bit, though he still seems a bit shaken up

"Mhm, Crazy how kids can do that."

"Do what?"

"Have a big argument over the littlest thing then go on with their life as if nothing ever happened." Florida nods in agreement, their conversation falls into a comfortable silence. Vermont comes over again to report some news from the other exit.

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