A Musical

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Britain is strapped to a chair sitting in an operating room, France enters the room wearing a lab coat and gloves.

"Hold still, my sweet

I'm trying to measure the space between

Your molar and your jaw."

His eyes widen as she begins to sing, the gage in his mouth preventing him from speaking.

"This caliper

No cause for fear, no, it, it doesn't hurt

It only helps me measure

How much skin you have

Oh, and the topmost layer of fat."

As France shows him the tool in her hands he tries to get out of his restraints, but to no avail.

"But I won't make an incision

'Till you're nice and numb

Oh, and laughing gas can be so much fun!"

France motiones over to the various types of syringes filled with a clear liquid resting on a tray nearby. Britain lets out a whimper as she continues to sing.

"Please don't doubt my decision,

This'll be ooh, this'll be aah"

France hops onto Britain's lap and wraps her arms around his neck and the back of the chair.

"This'll be absolutely whee

This'll be nice, this'll be neat

And bring you closer to me"

She kisses Britain's cheeks before turning around so her back is to Britain she grabs a syringe..

"So don't you squirm, don't you fret

I'm not gonna hurt you... yet.

I just feel the need to be getting

A little of you, a lot of blood-letting."

As she rolls up the sleeve of his suit she gently pokes him in the vein with the syringe.

"I know the sensation you're probably dreading

But cutting you up will be so refreshing for me

Refreshing for me, yeah."

Once the clear liquid is in his body she begins to rub where the syringe had poked him. Tears begin to fall from his eyes out of fear as he continues to struggle.

"No, don't you cry

And dont you call Miriam, she's my alibi"

She hops off of him and sits on the floor removing his shoes.

"Oh, let me chesk your toes out

Aren't your toenails cute

And red is such a lovely color on you

But you wont be needing those..."

She slips off his socks revealing his feet, his toenails are painted red, clearly it's her own work. France smiles before looking at Britain's gloved hands.

"When you've got no knees

Or shins, or pinky fingers, or arteries

So hold still while I remove them."

Britain instinctively curls his hands into fists trying to protect his pinky fingers.

"Oh, and don't fight back

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