An Among Us Crossover PT 2

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Warning this part contines violence .

It's only been a week but it seems like forever since I've last been on earth... Massachusetts ponders as he puts a hand up to the glass that is separating him from the starry abyss that is space. He's in the cafeteria and his fellow cremates are all eating except Minnesota who's already finished his meal.

He's probably in navigation charting our course. Minnesota is always very cautious when it comes to big things, and Massachusetts doesn't blame him. Getting lost in deep space doesn't sound like a fun experience.

Turning around Massachusetts realizes that he's alone, everyone has left to do their various tasks. He taps the watch on his wrist, a hologram list pops up. After studying it for a few seconds he begins to walk to his first task of the day.

Feeling a sudden wave of uneasiness he walks faster to the reactor where his first task is. Another set of footsteps can be heard from behind him, they seemed to have appeared out of nowhere. Turning around he sees Utah following him casually.

"Uhm... Hey Utah..."

"Hey! Do you have a task around here too?" She tilts her head flashing him a smile.

"Yeah... I have uhm... Reactor."

"Aw man, that's annoying! I did that yesterday."

"You did? What is it?"

"Like a simon says thingy, then you need to check both of the sensors and make sure they are working properly."

"Ah, okay. What task do you have?"

"Wires so I'll be right outside, cool how that worked out eh?"

"Yeah!" As they continue their walk to their destination his uneasiness seems to only grow, it's as if something is telling him to run for it.

Eventually they reach their destination and split up, Utah moves to do the wires just as she said, Massachusetts begins the simon says task as Utah calls it.

Instructions pop up on the podium reading: Tap on each button when it lights up in the same order until you hear a tone. The first button lights up, then another, then another.

"Middle, Bottom, Top left..." He mutters under his breath trying to remember what buttons to press. Eventually the tone goes off and he can step away from the podium. Utah was right, that did suck! He thinks as he checks each sensor making sure that the reactor is in good shape.

Exiting the room he looks around for Utah, who's mysteriously gone. She probably went ahead to do another task, she doesn't like to wait. Guess I'm on my own... The lights suddenly dim, it seems to be getting darker by the second.

Tapping on his watch the hologram pops back up and flashing letters have appeared saying: Lights Sabotaged re-reading it a few times Massachusetts tries to figure out what's going on Sabotaged? Did someone do this on purpose?

Pulling up the map on his watch he looks for the electrical room, Once he figures out where he needs to go he uses his watch's glow to light the way. I hope everyone is alright... He presses on cautiously.

With the help of the glowing hologram he reaches the Electrical room fairly quickly. As he enters the humm from the generators reaches his ears.

Using his hologram as a flashlight he navigates his way through the darkness over to the light control panel.

He hears something rustle behind him. In the process of turning his head something slams into him causing him to slam his head into the control panel. Luckily I have my helmet on! Massachusetts thinks as he scrambles on his hands and knees trying to get away from his attacker.

A foot slams onto his back causing him to fall to the ground, the breath knocked out of him he gasps for air. His attacker lifts the helmet off of his head and repeatedly slams his head into the floor.

Now with a terrible headache and tasting blood Massachusetts fights back, flailing his arms and legs he manages to hit the attacker a few times. They back off for a second leaving Massachusetts laying there trying to get his bearings.

Something wraps around his neck and begins to choke him. Coughing he reaches for it, by the feel of it it's a loose cable.

Massachusetts struggles with all his might but he can't break free. No! This can't be how I die! He continues his now pointless struggle against his attacker who pulls the cable even tighter around Massachusetts's neck.

Coughing and spluttering he loses consciousness. The attacker does not release the cable even when footsteps can be faintly heard from down the hall. Making sure their victim is dead then they exit the room.

Like a moving shadow they move to the corner of the room where a vent lays wide open, they get inside and close the vent behind them.

"It's done." They say to themselves. "It's done..."

Word Count: 795

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