Birds of a feather

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Germany places his hand on the scanner, after a few seconds the massive doors open revealing the entrance to the lab. Walking down the hallway he triggers the lights to automatically turn on.

He stops at the top of a huge staircase, looking down to his dismay as the stairs curve around a corner, with no end in sight he sighs and begins his descent.

"March, March, Dᶏbrowski," Germany stops as he listens to the voice. It echoes through the halls softly. Curiosity gets the better of him, he quickens his pace down the stairs, skipping a few every now and then.

As he rounds the corner he groans and even more stairs come into sight. The voice conintes to speak.

"From Italy to Poland Mighty,"

As he reaches the end of the steps the voice gets clearer, Germany realizes that the voice isn't speaking, but singing.

"Give us Inspiration, to unite the nation!"

Now speed walking he follows the voice through the winding tunnels until he comes face to face with another maximum security door. This one has an eye scanner, leaning down to its level he presses a button and the machine scans his eye.

"Access granted." The machine blurts out before the metal doors open.

"Though our forces have been weakened" As Germany steps into the large lab room the voice becomes clear as day.

"And the foe seeks to destroy us," Germany travels further into the lab room and waits for the voice to sing the next verse.

"We have left our courage strong, to face the fight that lies before us." Germany looks up and spots a ginormous bird cage where the singing is coming from. Walking underneath it he can see large chains holding the cage high in the air.

"March, march Dᶏbrowski, From Italy to Poland Mighty." Though Germany can't understand the words due to them being sung in polish he can tell that the singer has a beautiful voice. Looking around he spots a messy desk with a book on it.

Walking over to it he opens the book and flips to the first page, a handwritten letter falls out and to the ground. Setting down the book he bends down to retrieve the letter. Picking it up he can hardly read its messy scrawl.

"Claim a freedom glorious, will make us victorious!" The singer continues to sing their song quite passionately. Germany needs to squint in order to make out letters on the note.

Dear Germany

I have something to tell you of which I'm not proud of, however I do not regret my decisions. If you are reading this then I'm dead. Do not mourn, we both know I wasn't the best father, I was far more focused on my work than on you.

And for that I apologize, know that I did truly love you, my ambition just blinded me. Now with all the sappy stuff out of the way let me tell you about the experiment we as a family have been working on for generations.

Behind the desk is a lever, pull that down before you read on. It will lower the large cage at the top of the ceiling.

Looking behind him he scans the wall for the lever, sure enough there it is. Germany shoves the lever down and the chains clank as the cage is slowly lowered to the ground. The singing abruptly stops. He lifts the note back up to his face, adjusting his glasses he reads on.

Have you done that? Good, now to learn about what the creature is, go to the book and flip to page 249 and read the whole page. You have full access to my and your grandfather's notes on this... thing.

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