An Among Us Crossover Pt 3

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Warning this part contines violence and swearing.

As the lights begin to dim Indiana stops his task in order to go fix the lights. I just fucking fixed lights yesterday. This is no accident, this is on purpose! Some fucker is sabotoging this mission and im going to find out who and throw them out into space!

Indiana grumbles incoherently as he marches down to electrical. As soon as he enters the room an odd smell reaches his nose. I'll investigate it when I can fucking see.

He trips over something and falls on his hands and knees.

"Oh come on!" He says aloud, before getting back on his feet. He blindly fumbles sound before reaching the control panel.

Finding the switches he flicks them on one by one. Once every switch has been turned on the lights suddenly turn onto the brightest setting.

Disoriented Indiana covers his eyes for a few seconds before looking around, trying to get his bearings, as well as letting his eyes adjust naturally.

Now able to see clearly he turns to what had tripped him earlier. It's a helmet... It's Massachusetts's helmet! Peeking around the generator he spots Massachusetts laying face up in the middle of the walkway, his face is an odd blue color and his eyes are glazed over staring at nothing in horror. Pe

"Oh my god!" Indiana shouts as he runs over to his dead friend. "Massa?!" he shakes his friend but doesn't get a response. He's dead... The fucker who messed with the lights probably did this!

Footsteps fast approach the room, Indiana turns around. New Mexico has entered the room.

"Is he dead?!" he shouts in an odd tone.

"Yeah..."Indiana answers, turning back to the body and gently closing Massachusetts's eyes making it look like he is sleeping.

New Mexico moves behind him and places a hand on his shoulder. Indiana stands up and is about to turn around when New Mexico stabs a knife into his back.

"WHAT THE FUCK!" he cries out trying to spin around, New Mexico holds him in place as he shoves the knife further into his back.

"Why?" Indiana gasps in anguish, trying to remove the knife.

"Why not?" He responds with a twisted smile, he shoves the knife even deeper into Indiana's back piercing his heart.

New Mexico releases the knife and takes a few steps back, giving Indiana room to die. Rage boils in Indiana's blood as he grabs the knife lodged into his back and yanks it out. Ignoring everything but his target Indiana charges at an unprepared New Mexico and stabs him in the shoulder with the knife.

New Mexico just stands there shocked as Indiana starts to laugh like a madman.

"That's for Massachusetts b!tch!"

Indiana falls onto the floor clutching his heart. Every heartbeat sends waves of pure agony through his body. Taking one last shuddering breath he falls forward onto his face, his body goes limp and the blood proceeds to pour out of his wound.

"Well that got messy!" New Mexico gasps and walks over to the vent hopping inside it. Ignoring the pain from his shoulder wound.

Word Count: 505

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