Goodbye old friend

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America staggers across the flat roof, clutching her torso trying to keep her intestines inside her body. Blood oozes out from her wounds, gasping she takes a few more steps before collapsing to the ground. Rolling onto her back is painful but the view of the beautiful sunset over the city facing the ocean is worth it. It's so mesmerizing she almost forgets that she's dying.

She continues to watch the sunset as she hears footsteps approaching her at a run, wIthout looking she can tell it's her partner Russia.

"Oh Fuck- America!"

"Did we win?" America gasps and tears begin to fall from her eyes, she's in so much pain.

"Yes- yes we won. Oh god Ame..." Russia looks at her wounds, his eyes begin to tear up as he looks at his dying partner, he can only watch as her life slowly drains out of her.

"Come... watch the sunset with me." Russia sits next to her head, he gently pulls her head onto his lap. With a smile she looks up at him, her multicolored eyes shining. "Beautiful isn't it?"

"Yes... Yes it is." Russia responds looking up at the sunset, The two sit in a peaceful silence.

America suddenly clutches her torso tightly and lets out a shriek of agony, Russia cringes at the sound. What was he supposed to do? He didn't have any medical supplies with him.

"You'll be alright... No one can hurt you now." Russia murmurs as he plays with her hair, hoping to distract her from the pain.

As she grows paler by the second Russia murmures comforting things to her,



"Please..." She gasps for breath and uses her remaining strength to say her last few words. "Take care of the states for me."

"Of course America."

"Hey... Russia..."


"Could you sing to me?"

"Okay.." Russia clears his throat before beginning to sing, a bit embarrassed.

"Just Close your eyes,

the sun is going down,

you'll be alright,

no one can hurt you now,

come morning light,

you and I'll be safe and sound~" Getting lost in the music Russia sings the rest of the song, when he is brought back to reality he looks at America who has a smile on her face.

"Thank you Russ..." America takes a large shuddering breath before turning back to the sunset, letting her chest fall, she exhales loudly. Her chest doesn't rise again, Russia lets the tears fall, the waterfall he's been holding back for the past few minutes comes pouring out of his eyes. His body shakes as he sobs, his friend, his best friend since childhood is dead, and he was forced to watch.

He allows himself only until the sun sets to grieve, once the sun sinks below the horizon he gets to his feet leaving the crime scene, climbing into his car he begins his drive, his mind is blank as he drives, eventually he arrives at his first destination. He pulls into the driveway of the relatively large home.

Yanking the keys out of the ignition he exits the car before walking up to the door. He rings the doorbell and waits for someone to answer.

Russia slowly reaches for his ushanka and pulls it off of his head, bowing his head he begins to share the news but is cut off by France's scream of horror.

"NO! NOT MY DAUGHTER!" She shrieks. She falls to the ground and starts to sob, footsteps from inside the house rush towards the door. The Uk arrives first, with one look at Russia and his inconsolable wife he sighs and gets on the floor to help comfort his wife, He glares up at Russia,

"You were supposed to protect her." His voice is calm and professional, like the calm before the storm.

"I did."

"Well clearly not well enough."

"Sir I-"

"Enough, get the hell off of my property." And with that he stands up and closes the door in Russia's face. The Russian sighs if this is how her parents react how the hell would the states react to the news. Climbing back into his car he drives to America's house, knocking on the door he waits for a long time before Delaware answers it.

"Hey Russia! Where's mom?" Russia collects himself before answering the question, leaving Delaware stunned and horrified. "This- this must be some kind of joke!"

"Afraid not..."

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