First day

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America flips the eggs one last time before putting them on their plates, humming a tune he starts up another batch; for some reason cooking has always felt therapeutic. Wherever he's in front of a stove cooking something he's felt at peace. Even back when he was in UK's house.

France's recipe book is the only thing he really missed from that house, all the recipes and awesome tasting foods. America sighs as the bacon finishes, he puts it on the plate with the finished eggs and rings the bell.

It's been a week since we've moved in, though I've done a lot of work there is still so much more to do, boxes still litter the house and whole rooms remain unfinished. Several states sleep in the dining room on sleeping bags due to their rooms being unfit to sleep in.

America flips the eggs deep in thought, Is everything going alright? I knew moving would be difficult but balancing a job and 50 kids on top of that?!

As he finishes the last of breakfast he begins to clean the dishes that have piled up from states finishing breakfast. Florida runs into the kitchen and yells

"OI Get your lazy buts out the door, We have chores!"

America scrambles to get everything together before going to the meeting he is supposed to attend. Once at the office he wanders around for a while before finding what room he needs to go in.

He is the last to arrive. The windows to the city are covered by expensive looking curtains, which are drawn shut. America approaches the table that sits in the middle of the room, there is one open spot in between China and the UK.

He takes his seat and fixes his sunglasses. Great, I'm next to him...

"Now that everyone is here we may start." The UK begins, giving America the side eye who doesn't notice.

"I'd like you to move those ships, China!" Russia suddenly spits at China who replies

"Well I'd like you to move those troops on the border."

"Release those officers then we can talk."

"Not until you stop patrolling the skies!"

The two argue for some time before Singapore interjects. America doesn't pay anymore attention to what's being said, U.N. had sent him an email with everyone's name and picture for him to memorize. America looks at the people at the table and mumbles their names trying to put names to faces.

"Brazil... France... Japan..." He mumbles. Japan looks up.

"Did someone say my name?" She asks no one responds.

"YOU IDIOT!" The Russian screams and jumps onto the table lunging at China, who jumps out of the way, America is too slow to react and gets a fist to the side of the head, knocking off his glasses.

Unbothered by this he puts his sunglasses back on and watches the chaos continue.

"Isn't this supposed to be a meeting?" America asks no one in particular.

"Yeah, but they want to brawl so we might as well let them." Germany responds from his seat next to the UK.

The fight begins to get nasty, the two are about an inch away from throwing fists, I've gotta intervene before this gets any uglier. America gets up and makes his way over to the two.

"Hey!" No response, the two are too caught up in their verbal spat that America's voice fades into the background. Grabbing both Russia's and China's ears he practically screams, "HEY KNOCK IT OFF."

The two stop and remain silent for a moment, America releases their ears and backs up a bit. Russia slowly turns towards him looking like a pissed off bear ready to maul anything standing in his way.

"What did you just say?"

"I told you to knock it off, what can't you hear with that hat on?" America replies not at all intimidated by Russia's height, nor his appearance. "I suggest you sit down before things get ugly, mkay?"

Russia is frozen for a moment as he processes what he just heard, with a laugh he returns to his seat. America's gaze meets China's,

"You too." is all he says before China goes to retrieve his chair which is across the room from him leaving it so quickly. America returns to his seat and finds everyone staring at him.


"Just, no one's ever stood up to Russia before... except." Japan turns to the UK. "He really is your son!" She whispers loudly.

"Oh no, no, He's no father of mine."

"But aren't you related?" Japan asks

"We are but..." America trails off. His mind wanders to his states, I wonder how things are going back at home...

Word Count: 801

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