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A tall lengthy male figure walks into the room filled with small children, ranging in age from 12-4, there's 50 of them in the room all huddled together. It's been a month since America's condition was revealed to him.

It's only now he decided to act. Several of the older states carry various types of blunt weapons as they stand in between the man and the smaller children. Though a few seem scared they stand their ground.

"The fuck do you want U.N.?!" A state wielding a baseball bat demands, this shocks the man as he has not even introduced himself yet to the children, perhaps America mentioned me at some point... the man ponders as he holds his hands up in mock surrender.

The small boy stands down when an older boy with a teal flag puts a hand on his shoulder. He seems to be the oldest in the room besides U.N. of course.

The older boy turns to the man and holds his gaze unflinching, after a few moments the man realizes he's sizing him up. I must proceed with caution... I don't want to get mauled by 50 kids... that would be embarrassing.

Clearing his throat The U.N. offers his hand to the boy and states his name as well as the reason for his visit.

"The names U.N., It seems as if your father is unfit to take care of you, so we will be stepping in to help. What's your name, son?" Delaware hesitates before grabbing the man's hand firmly before stating his own name.

"Delaware." he calmly responds, looking the U.N. in the eye as they shake hands.

"Well Delaware, how about we go chat outside for a while, you seem to be incharge around here."

"Alright. Pennsylvania, watch the others." Delaware turns to a girl around the same height as himself, she has a deep blue flag, the color alone is hard enough to make out in the dim lighting. Delaware walks over to Pennsylvania and embraces his sister, he murmurs in her ear the following instructions.

"If I'm not back within 20 minutes leave without me." Pennsylvania starts rubbing his back showing she agrees. As the hug breaks apart Delaware walks back up to the man. "You have 20 minutes, no more."

"Well then, let's get going." The male responds leading the way out of the cellar, up the steps and onto the main level of the mansion the states call home. As Delaware reaches the top step two paramedics carry America out of the house on a stretcher. The duo wait until it's clear before going outside, they watch in silence as America is loaded up into the ambulance before it drives away.

"So, How long has your father been struggling?"

"Since my older brother D.C. died sir." Delaware crosses his arms, he feels tears threaten to fall from his eyes. Oh how it pains him to see his family suffering.

"So you became the father figure?"

"Not right away, see, D.C. took care of us when America couldn't, but he died in a car crash not too long ago... Him and America were on their way back from the store and they were hit head on by a semi, somehow dad survived, D.C. didn't."

"And then you took charge?"

"That's correct sir."

"No need to be so formal son, Now, your siblings, the older ones seem to be in the same boat as you, is that correct?"

"Yes sir." Delaware confirms ignoring the U.N.'s distaste in formality.

"What was your job?"

"To take care of dad, you know, help him with paperwork and make sure he's taking care of himself." The U.N. pauses as he puts two and two together. The paperwork given in by America did look different than his writing... He checks his watch and is dismayed to find the time is already up, with a soft sigh he turns to the boy and locks gazes once more with him.

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