Post-it notes #1

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America grabs the final jar of red sauce and places it on the shelf with the others. Grabbing the now empty box she breaks the bottom of it, causing it to neatly fall over flat. Picking it off of the ground she places it in the now full shopping cart with all the other deconstructed boxes.

Happy that she's momentarily done, America allows a small smile to form on her face as she pushes the cart into the back storage room/unloading doc. Once she reaches her destination, the pile of deconstructed boxes laying in the middle of the large room, she quickly unloads the cart before pushing it off to the side for other employees to use.

Making her way through the store she reaches the baking department, where fresh bread and pastries are made. A few customers linger in the store doing some shopping before the rush around 4pm.

Entering the kitchen she dodges around the two other bakers, who are hurrying around pulling out different pastries and mixing batter. Reaching the break room which just so happens to also be the storage room for the ingredients, America spots her best friend and coworker Japan who's sitting on a crate eating a chocolate donut.

She looks up as America enters the room and smiles, scooting over, she pats the crate with her free hand whilst taking another bite out of her donut. America sits down next to her friend and waits for her to finish chewing before greeting her.

After the two exchange a few words, Japan gets right down to business.

"So, What did your stalker write to you today? And where was the Post-It note?" America reaches into her pocket and pulls out a crumpled note before responding.

"I found it stuck to my forehead this morning. And the note says 'How does dinner on Sunday sound?'"

"Wow, they are really trying to ask you out. Have you thought about going to the cops about this?"

"What would they do? Post a guard? I bet the stalker, whoever they are, can get past a few underpaid cops."

Japan finishes her donut and gets up to head back to work when she looks over her shoulder at America.

"Well, you should do something soon, it seems like things will only get worse if you don't do anything." And with that Japan exits the room leaving America alone to think.

Maybe going to the cops isn't such a bad Idea after all... After a few minutes pondering her choices America leaves the room and gets back to work. She enters the unloading dock just as another shipment arrives. As pallets of food are unloaded, America gets to work alongside her coworkers.

After a long grueling shift America finally is allowed to exit the store. Entering the parking lot she walks to the bus stop on the other side of the lot. Just as she reaches the covered benches that make up the old stop the bus arrives.

"I got lucky this time..." She murmurs to herself before climbing aboard. Reaching into her pocket she pulls out three gold coins and places them in a cup with all the others. She finds her seat rather quickly due to her being one of the few on the large bus.

As soon as she's seated the bus takes off causing America to lurch forward in her seat before returning to her original position. As the buildings of the city pass by, America looks out the window. Before she knows it the bus is at her stop.

Getting off the bus she thanks the driver before climbing down the steep steps and onto the sidewalk. She makes her way through the crowded streets before entering her apartment building. Greenland is at the front desk reading a newspaper. He looks up as America passes him.

"How was work today Ame?" America shrugs and enters the elevator. As the doors close she catches a glimpse of Greenalnd turning back to the newspaper seemingly unbothered by America's lack of interest in the conversation.

As she reaches her room she fumbles with the keys before unlocking the door to her apartment, As the door opens a Post-It note falls to the ground. She bends over and picks it up before entering the small home. Once inside she re-locks the door and kicks off her shoes before entering further into the apartment.

Looking down at the note she reads it outloud.

'You seem upset, Is everything alright darling?' Thoroughly creeped out she crumples the note into a paper ball and enters the kitchen to throw it away and make herself some dinner. Washing her hands she pulls out the ingredients needed.

"I think I'll have some scrambled eggs!" America says aloud before turning the stove on. After making and eating her dinner she washes the dirty dishes before putting them away. America goes to her bedroom to grab some pajamas which are really just some old faded clothes.

Moving to the bathroom America sets down her clothes and ponders for a few minutes whether or not to take a shower. It has been a few days. I better shower. After a hot shower America changes into her Pajamas and heads off to bed.

Now completely exhausted, America quickly falls asleep, though her dreams are filled with thoughts about her stalker. It's around 3am when a particular nightmare causes her to wake up. Feeling a warm presence behind her she turns around and moves as close to it as possible.

She feels arms wrap around her body and hold her close, believing to still be dreaming America snuggles closer to the warmth. The warmth slowly begins to rub her back causing her to drift off to sleep.

"Sleep my love." Is the last thing she hears before the darkness takes over her, and drags her off to dreamland.

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