Moving In

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America carries the last box of the bunch into the house, sighing with exhaustion he sits down on the floor to give his body a bit of a break.

Still on the floor he goes on his phone to check the process of the pods that will arrive today, one should be arriving any minute now. He thinks, checking his email.

Right on cue the truck carrying the pod arrives, several states stand up and start running over to the pod, with a whistle America sends them away from it. Smile on his face he walks over to the driver to finish the transaction.

"How much do I owe you?"

"Uhm, sir. You already paid."

"Oh, sorry. Moving, you know, it's very chaotic." America says sheepishly, rubbing the back of his neck. The driver says nothing and walks away to supervise the unloading of the pod.

Adjusting his sunglasses, America trots over to the pod and opens it. On the saran wrapped furniture is a note. Picking it up America reads it before calling out,

"Mississippi, Alabama, Georgia, and Florida your pod has arrived." Hearing this the four run over to the pod. Unable to contain his excitement Florida starts doing cartwheels in the yard.

As soon as the pod delivery service people leave, America turns to Idaho; who's laying sprawled out in the grass enjoying the sunny weather. He calls her over, Idaho slowly gets up and makes her way over.

"Hm?" She crosses her arms.

"Don't give me any attitude. Now create an illusion of this place so we can move stuff inside." Groaning Idaho sits on the ground and seems to be meditating, after a few minutes she speaks again.

"Mkay, you can go now."

"Thank you Idaho." America murmurs as he passes her, she nods in return. America rounds up his states.

"Alright you know the drill we've done this about 7 times already. Florida you do the small boxes, I want Montana, Nebraska, and Wisconsin on beds and heavy things. Work fast because we don't have much time until another pod arrives, Wisconsin I'll help you."

"No need dad, you sit and rest." Wisconsin says grabbing a bed with one arm and lifting it over her head. With a smirk she runs into the house, skillfully maneuvering it through the doorway. Florida begins to chant and boxes start to float into the house, with a smirk he chats louder and faster and the boxes practically fling themselves to their destination.

"Remember Florida, remain calm, don't get too excited or something will explode."

"Yeah, yeah, I know dad." he sighs, slowing his chanting back down.

"I'm losing it!" America's head snaps in the direction of Idaho who is trying to maintain the illusion. Everyone helping immediately stops what they are doing and quickly return to their spots in the grass.

"Let it go Idaho." With a gasp she releases the illusion. She looks up at America shamefully.

"I'm sorry dad."

"It's fine Idaho, you have nothing to be sorry about. We've been at this all day and your powers will become weaker the more tired you are. Let's break for lunch then just relax okay?"

"But what about the pods?"

"I'll figure something out. Don't you worry" He places a hand on her shoulder and then promptly enters the house to get some food. Two states are inside; deep cleaning the place Wyoming is cleaning up any dust and cobwebs as well as drying off the wet patches of floor left by Oregon with his Air powers or as everyone just calls is Airbending, And Oregon who is washing everything with a blob of floating water like a water bender from Avatar The Last Airbender.

America pulls out 50 plastic bowls and sets them on the counter. He then moves to the fridge and pulls out several bags of freshly cut fruit, good thing he had the foresight to cut these before the pods began to arrive.

He divides up all the fruit 50 ways and calls in the states for food. They hungerly push and shove to get their own bowls of fruit like wild animals, before running back outside to eat.

America hands the two remaining bowls to Oregon and Wyoming who are still cleaning.

"Take a break and eat." They both take the bowls of fruit.

"Thanks dad!" Oregon begins to eat her food immediately. Wyoming only looks at the food before handing it back to America.

"You haven't eaten anything all day, you have mine and Oregon will share hers." As he speaks Oregon hands the half eaten bowl of fruit to Wyoming who starts to eat the rest. America reluctantly begins to eat the bowl of fruit, but thoroughly enjoys it.

As states begin to finish their bowls they stack their now dirty dishes by the sink and leave, once there's at least 30 dishes he starts doing dishes washing and drying them by hand. Of course the dishwasher broke as soon as they got here, America has no energy to be ticked off by this so he just forces a smile and continues to wash the dishes.

Washing dishes reminds him of his time in the UK's household. He shivers slightly as he thinks about the harsh words exchanged between them through the years, hopefully he wouldn't need to see the UK any time soon.

He puts the dishes away in a random cupboard knowing that Delaware and Hawaii would go through every nook and cranny of this place organizing. With a smile he takes a box cutter out of his pocket and opens the boxes for them, though most of them have superpowers dangerous enough to end the world if they wanted to, I don't want them using a box cutter or knives on top of that.

America exits the house and goes outside sitting down in the grass by his states, his children, he enjoys the beautiful weather, the slight but constant breeze makes the trees shake a bit. He sighs, this, this right here is paradise.

The day flies by, all the furnichure from the pods has arrived and has made it into the house, america looks down at the checklist in his hand. Next thing is... Painting rooms, I can have the states do that I just need to go and pick up some paint. Lets see... who can paint fast... America is lost in thought for a while figuring out who will be the most helpful with painting.

"Delaware, Florida, Vermont, Nebraska!" America calls out, four sets of footsteps echo throughout the house and the four named states rush over.

"What's up pop?" Nebraska asks as he scratches his knee.

"I want you 4 to paint all the rooms in the house."

"Excuse me- Do you know how big this house is?!" Delaware complains,

"Yeah, but I will make everyone help out, don't worry, but with you guys using your powers it will make the process go faster."

"How will our abilities make this go faster?"

"Simple, Delaware you can duplicate the paintbrushes and paint along with yourself, florida can magically put the paint on the wall, and others not doing anything can help."

Delaware sighs and gatheres the states needed for the job. America walks off to find something productive for himself to do.

Word Count: 1212

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