What do I write here.

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"I suggest you stop yelling at me, Britain."

"This is your fault!"

"How is this my fault?"

"She should have her powers by now! The only reason why I dated you was to gain a powerful heir. Now I have a useless child to take care of!"

"She is not useless! How dare you, you have no right to say such things. And what do you mean you'll take care of her?"

"Well she's clearly not staying here with you savages."

"You fucking take that back, were far more civilised than you!"

"Ah yes, running around with hardly any clothes on, very civilized."

"Coming from the guy who's never heard of personal hygiene!"

"Let me take care of our child, It will be a lot safer for her with me than you."

"Over my dead body bitch!" And with that Native America draws out her throwing knives and throws one at Britain. He tries to move out of the way but is too slow, the small knife hits him in his chest, going through his clothing and burying itself in his skin.

Though not a fatal wound it still hurt like hell. Native America draws two more knives out and throws them at a partially stunned Britain, who grunts in pain trying not to wake a sleeping New England resting in the other room. He's about to pull out his gun when a sleepy New England enters the room they are currently standing in.

Native America immediately drops her weapons and turns to New England who holds her hands up to be held. Britain whistles, gaining her attention, bending down, he holds out his arms and she runs to him.

"Sweetie don't!" But It's too late. She's already in Britain's arms. With a smile he turns New England so she's facing the entrance to the makeshift building and pulls out his gun. Aiming it at Native America, without hesitation, he fires. The sound scares New England, the little colony begins to cry.

Britain comforts her and brings her out of the structure before making his way to the port where his boat awaits. With a soft smile he looks down at his colony,

"Don't worry little one, I'll take good care of you."


New England Looks up as her father enters the room, she sets the pancakes onto a plate and serves him the freshly made food.

"Looks wonderful hun!" Britain comments at her hard work. He takes his fork and knife before skillfully cutting the pancakes before taking a bite. New England sits down and joins her father Half way through the meal she suddenly looks up at her father who is drinking tea.


"Yes dear?"

"Can I have Independence?"

"Hm... No, Not until you can defend yourself. It's a dangerous world out there."

"Oh... Okay. Can you train me then?" New England cannot hide the disappointment in her voice.

"Of course. But you getting independence won't be for a while hon."

"It'll go by fast! Just watch, I'll be the best fighter out there!"

"I'm sure you will be." He replies with a soft smile.

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