The Caretaker

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America sits in the warm water unsure of how to feel, He plays in the tub like a child, occasionally splashing in the water, or watching the water drip from his fingers when he removes his hand from the clear liquid. The water isn't hot, nor is it freezing, it's just the right temp for a comfortable bath.

"Are you ready to wash up?" America shakes his head, not ready to get over yet another fear of his. "Okay, how about we wait a few more minutes." The caretaker gives in, allowing America more time to get comfortable in the water.

As the water gradually begins to cool, America begins to grow anxious, realizing this, the caregiver turns to America before explaining carefully what they're about to do.

"I'm just going to turn on the faucet to get more hot water into the tub. Is that alright?" America slowly nods and scoots away to the far side of the tub, well out of reach from the caretaker. With a sigh they turn on the faucet adjusting the temp to get warmer water into the tub, America covers his ears with his hands and closes his eyes, the noise of the faucet causes repressed memories to bubble up to the surface.

Two red flagged countries drag him into the bathroom, they had stripped him of all clothing moments before, there awaiting him is a tub filled with seaming water. His body is covered in fresh cuts and bruises. Knowing better than to fight his abusers he allows himself to be thrown into the tub of hot water.


Letting out a scream he thrashes around trying to get out of the tub. The shorter red male leans next to the tub wall and shoves his head under the water, mid scream causing him to inhale some of the water. After a long while the red country allows America to lift his head up out of the water.

"Hey, America."

Half drowned the American crawls out of the tub and lands in a heap on the floor where he curls up into the fetal position, letting out a sob. 

"America." A soft voice finally brings him back to reality. Opening his eyes, America realizes his caretaker is holding his hand, in a gentle but firm grasp, his vision blurs, something slips out of his eye, a tear?

"America, I'm so sorry, I didn't know that would trigger you. Let's finish up this bath then you can sleep, is that okay?" America nods silently. The caretaker lets go of his hand, much to America's dismay, and grabs a bottle of shampoo and conditioner along with a plastic cup.

"Okay, now look up at the ceiling and close your eyes alright?" America nods once more and tilts his head back he feels a hand on his forehead and water being poured onto his head. He flinches as the caretaker gently guides his head to a normal resting position before squirting shampoo onto their hands. They gently begin to scrub America's long matted hair, with skillful hands, they manage to break up most of the mats with the help of a hairbrush. The caretaker then washes out the shampoo then applies the conditioner before washing that out too, leaving America's hair silky smooth. They then grab the soap before speaking once more.

"Hey America, can you wash your body please? I got the soap, all you need to do is just scrub until there's bubbles." America nods and takes the new bar of soap. He begins to wash himself with a determined expression on his face. Once he's covered in soapy bubbles the caretaker helps wash them off with the plastic cup of water.

They get up slowly, making sure not to frighten the traumatized country, and make their way over to the counter where some clothes and a towel sits, waiting for use. Grabbing the towl they unfold it and offer it to America who stands up and takes it, wrapping it around his body.

The tri-colored country, now trembling, slowly steps out of the tub and looks at his caretaker expantently. The caretaker moves over to the tub and pulls out the plug keeping the water inside it. America just watches them as they grab out a plastic bottle of lotion. They glance at America with a sad smile on their face before speaking.

"I'll give you some privacy, please dry yourself off and put on some lotion." They turn around and begin walking towards the door. The world seems to go in slow motion as America opens his mouth and shouts at his caretaker.

"NO! Don't leave me! Please... don't go." his voice fades into a whimper, His caretaker, with one hand on the door handle stops and slowly retracts their hand away from the handle.

"Okay..." they remain where they stand, with their back to America. They cross their arms as they stare at the white wooden door. Now feeling a bit relieved, America begins to dry himself off, once he's fully dry he slathers lotion onto his body before putting on the clothes provided to him. A white long sleeved shirt and gray sweatpants with white socks and blue knitted slippers.

"Okay... you can look now." The caretaker slowly turns around before responding.

"Head to your room, I'll be up in a moment." America nods and slowly shuffles out of the bathroom. Now alone, the caretaker grabs America's old, dirty clothes and the used towel and brings them to the laundry room before hurrying up to America's room.

They find America preparing his bed for sleeping. Pillows and blankets are strewn across the bedroom.

"Hop in bed, I'll tuck you in." The caretaker orders softly. America freezes before nodding and crawling onto his bed with a pillow in hand. Once he's situated the caretaker begins to cover him with various blankets.

Finally, before turning off the lights they grab a stuffed bald eagle that rests in the middle of the room on the floor. They hand the stuffed animal over to America who quickly snatches it away from them. The caretaker then walks over to the lamp that stands on the nightstand next to America's bed. Shutting off the light they walk to the door.

"Good night America."

"Good night Japan... and thanks for everything." With a smile Japan exits the room before gently shutting the door behind them.

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