They Got MOM?!

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Boredom, that's the perfect word to explain how Texas is feeling, being stuck in the same small bunker for 3 hours and counting, not to mention stuck with all his chaotic siblings. Normally Texas would be staging a mock revolution but it isn't fun without room to riot. His partner in crime Florida, who's sitting next to him is having the same problem.

Texas is laying on his back staring at the ceiling bored out of his mind, there's only so many times you can deep clean your Barrett M82 before it wont work. He props his head up with his hand, and scans the room where most of the other states are playing various card games, Nevada's got a game of poker going, and Massachusetts is talking to Minnesota about something. Probably school or math, yuck.

With a sigh he glances at Tennessee who's playing uno with Alaska and Hawaii. If only they had not come along I'd be wopin your butt at football right now. Texas imagines just how he'd do it with a smirk on his face. He gets up dragging Florida along with him,

"Where are we going?"

"To check the security cameras they should tell us where the intruders are, I hate not doing anything while our house is being occupied, it's humiliating."

"I know right, we can't even keep our home base protected." Florida chimes in. They enter the security room where New Jersey and New Hampshire are watching the cameras, the overall mood in the room is grim. Texas moves closer and peers at the biggest window pulled up on the big screen. Laying on the ground unconscious is America.

"They got mom!?" Texas gasps in horror.

"What are we going to do?" New hampshire mumbles to New Jersey who is just sitting there at a loss for words. All four of them watch as two of the intruders pick up America and hurry out the door. New Jersey flips through the camera's watching as they bring her out to their vehicle, zooming in he gets a glimpse of their license plate before they drive off. New Hampshire writes the license plate down on the white board that covers the entire left wall of the room.

"Get the other 13" Is all New Jersey says his voice sounding suspiciously shaky like he is on the verge of tears. Texas and Florida share a sideways glance before leaving the room. Together they gather the 11 other oldest states. Once they are all assembled Texas and Florida decide to stay and watch. New Jersey doesn't seem to notice or care, probably the latter.

"I gathered you here because mom was taken by the intruders, they seemed to have chloroformed her, I got a good look at the license plate," he points to where it is written on the white board.

"What are we going to do? D.C. Isn't home and mom is gone..." Georgia wimpers.

"We are left to fend for ourselves I guess." North Carolina pipes up,

"We can do it! Maybe try contacting D.C. and seeing if he's alright then we will find mom with his help!" Maine chimes in. The 13 all begin discussing what to do and how to do it along with various scenarios.

Texas zones out for a while bored once more, New York's voice is what snapes Texas out of his daydream.

"The question now becomes, how do we tell the younger ones?"

"They aren't that little anymore New York" Delaware sighs "they should handle the news better, I for one think we should tell them. They deserve to know."

"All in favor of telling them say I"

13 sets of I's are uttered, it's unanimous. Maryland volunteers to tell the kiddos the news, heartbreaking as it may be it must be done. Once it was done several states began to cry, their mom, America was gone and there was nothing they could do about it. The reality of the situation crashes down on Texas who feels a tear slip down his cheek, quickly wiping it away he puts a toothpick in his mouth giving his mind something to occupy itself with instead of crying. Checking the time Texas goes into the kitchen, grabbing some chicken wild rice soup mix he begins to boil the water. The midwestern states will love this... maybe with a side of grits and a lot of boston cream pies for dessert, that'll cheer them up! Maybe... but what about the western states, hmm... Texas is lost in thought as he is cooking dinner, I'll make baked potatoes for them, yeah! After deciding on what he will cook Texas begins to work, the 3 of the 13 and Florida come to help him make the food.

"Tell us what to do boss." Pennsylvania laughs

"Okay, I want Maryland on soup, all you need to do is stir every other minute for about 15 minutes." Maryland nods and takes Texas's place by the stove, the two big pots of soup already starting to bubble again, Maryland finds two whisks in a drawer. One in each hand she begins to stir both at the same time.

"Pennsylvania I want you on baked potatoes, the potatoes are already in so keep them in there for about 30 more minutes, you can help the others with whatever they need." Pennsylvania goes over to help Maryland with the soup.

"Rhode Island, you are going to make Boston cream pies, you already know how to, right?" Rhode Island nods and gets to work at his station. Finally Texas turns to Florida,

"You're on grits. No explanation needed right?"

"Of course I can make grits." Florida scoffs walking away to begin making them, as the separate courses are finished they are passed out to the hungry states, everyone seems to be enjoying their meal. Texas is passed a bowl of soup which he gladly accepts, scarfing it down a feeling of pride swells in him, the food was delicious not to mention it seemed to lift everyone's spirits a bit. Maybe things won't be so bad...

"I have an Idea!" Florida exclaims suddenly, He stands up from his seat with a devious smirk on his face. What's he up to now? Texas thinks as he finishes his soup.

Word Count: 1037

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