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A knock at the door snaps Germany out of his daydream, getting off of his office chair Germany makes his way slowly to the front door. Adjusting his glasses he grabs his baseball bat which leans against the front door. With a grim expression he opens the door a crack, peeking outside he spots Poland standing on his front porch absolutely soaked.

"Ah, Poland... vhat are you doing here?" Germany opens the door a bit wider allowing the polish country to see his face and not just an eye. He drops the bat, letting it clatter to the ground.

"I'm lost. When on a walk I took a wrong turn and ended up here. Say, I thought you lived in the city, why are you in the middle of the woods?" The German visibly swallows, though he rather not answer that question he forces himself to give his friend an answer anyways.

"This is my second house, or my cabin if you vill. I come here to clear my head as work can be stressful."

"Oh, that makes sense. Hey, can I come in? It's freezing out." Poland asks his wings are wrapped around his torso as he attempts to keep himself warm.

"Uhm... Alright." Germany kicks the bat further off to the side before opening the door wider allowing the winged country inside. As Poland takes a look around Germany enters the kitchen to fetch his friend a cup of hot chocolate to warm him up.

Once the drink is completed he brings it to Poland who's sitting on the couch. As the polish man enjoys his hot chocolate Germany begins to feel funny. Excusing himself he heads into the bathroom to figure out what's wrong.

Germany stares at his reflection in horror, there standing opposite of him is his grandfather Reichtangle, smiling creepily. Germany leans forward to wash his face, Perhaps I'm seeing things... Yeah! It has to be that. He thinks as he splashes cold water onto his face, as the water comes into contact with his skin, it sends chills down his spine, and causes him to lose his breath for a few seconds.

Once Germany musters up enough courage to look up again he yelps as his reflection is moving on its own. His grandfather is waving at him before he crawls through the mirror and into the bathroom his skin is translucent but his eyes are solid white which stare into Germany's soul.

His grandfather touches his hand sending chills through his body.

"Oh Deutschland, It's time to become one."


"You don't get a choice grandson."

"Polen run! Get out of here!" Germany shouts from the bathroom before leaning over and vomiting up this inky black liquid. As his hands elongate he lets out a scream before beginning to claw at the sides of his head which has become a rectangle instead of a circle. Letting out a scream, Germany slams a fist into the mirror shattering it.

"Germany? Is everything okay in there?"

"I said RUN leave!"

"Why? What's going on?"

"I- I can't tell you just-" Germany is cut off as his transformation begins to rapidly finish, his shoulders broaden and he grows taller as the two of them become one Reichtangle begins to laugh.

Poland backs away from the door slowly, he recognises that laugh, the laugh that haunts his dreams and memories. As he spins around and begins to run for the frount door Reichtangle bursts through the bathroom door and gives chase. Running to the entrance, Poland spots Germany's baseball bat resting on the ground.

Picking it up Poland has just enough time to turn around before Reichtangle reaches him. Poland swings the baseball bat with all his might at Reichtangle's head. The bat breaks in two leaving Reichtangle stunned.

Taking this time to make his escape, Poland opens the door and runs into the rain. Though he's short, Poland is quite fast for his size. He's aware of Reichtangle behind him, focusing on where he's running, Poland begins to zigzag around trees and even double back towards Germany's cabin every once awhile running like you would to lose a charging moose.

Trying to lose Reichtangle by using these tactics Poland remains hopeful. As the sun begins to set, Poland's lungs begin to burn, his body hurts and his legs feel as if they're going to fall off. Nevertheless he continues to run not wanting to be caught or worse. Who knows what Reichtangle will do if he catches Poland.

Poland risks a glance behind himself. There about 20 feet away is Reichtangle keeping pace with him, he doesn't seem tired at all. Poland puts on an extra burst of speed as a tall tree comes into view. Leaping into the sky Poland unfurls his neatly folded wings and begins to fly upwards.

Reichtangle jumps up in the air and drags Poland out of the sky. The two begin to fight, Poland rapidly begins to punch Reichtangle in the face. Instead of recoiling back in pain the possessed country smiles sadistically before grabbing Poland's wings harshly and bending them until they break.

Poland's scream echoes through the forest which has begun to accumulate fog from a nearby lake.

"No flying away Polen! You're my little birdy now."

"I don't belong to you! And let me go!"

"I got you now Polen!" Reichtangle pants as he pulls Poland into a hug preventing him from going anywhere.

"HELP ME!" Poland screeches into the night, his voice breaking. He fleebily struggles to get away from the possessed man,

"Oh, little birdy, no more running away now." And with that Reichtangle picks up Poland pinning the smaller man to his chest with his arms, humming a tune Reichtangle carries Poland further into the misty forest, to an unknown fate

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