Post-it notes #2

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As America's eyes flutter open she finds herself hugging a pillow tightly with her face smushed into it. Sitting up she rubs the sleep out of her eyes before untangling herself from the mess of blankets on her bed.

Walking drowsily into the walk in closet she grabs a random assortment of clothing before heading off to the bathroom. After getting changed and fixing her messy hair into a ponytail; she exits the bathroom and walks down the stairs heading towards the kitchen.

She goes straight for the fridge only to find it empty. Not being able to remember what she had for dinner last night she moves to the pantry, which is also barren.

"Uhg! I need to get food." America groans, closing the pantry. "Great, that means I need to leave the house. Not the ideal thing for my relaxing weekend..."

With a sigh she checks to make sure she has an appropriate outfit on, she's wearing just a black hoodie with blue jeans, good enough. Slipping on her shoes and grabbing her purse she's out the door in a matter of seconds.

One bus ride later, America is walking towards the store, through the desolate parking lot and into the building. She grabs a cart, making her way through the store following the grocery list's lead. Good thing she keeps the list in her purse at all times, or else she would have forgotten it.

One by one each thing on the list gets checked off. Toothpaste check, potatoes check, She pauses in the bread aisle pondering how many loaves of wheat bread to purchase. Two loaves will be plenty, but what about three? The price for bread is down right now and I eat a lot of sandwiches... She remains in the aisle for some time before finally getting only two loaves of bread.

With a slight smile she continues her shopping, once collecting everything on the list she makes her way to the checkout. She pays and pushes the now bagged groceries out into the parking lot. Shoving the cart into the cart corral she grabs the bags of groceries and makes her way to the bus stop.

As America waits for the bus she checks her wallet making sure to have at least 3 coins on hand for the bus fee. With ample time she plays on her phone as she waits for the bus to arrive. Someone sits beside her on the bench.

Looking up to see who this creep is, she is met with a man who's gazing at her with an odd look on his face. America finds her pepper spray with her right hand which is buried in her purse. Putting away her phone she scoots a bit farther away from the man; the bench itself is relatively large so why would a guy want to sit so close to her?

America ponders this as she continues to wait for the bus. Finally the bus arrives at the stop, picking up her groceries. Both countries stand up, after a moment's hesitation America climbs aboard and finds her seat quickly. Peeking out the window she finds the man staring at her, the driver just asks him if he's getting on. Instead the man just smiles and waves at America before walking away.

Thoroughly creeped out, America hugs her groceries tightly as the bus starts moving. Closing her eyes she takes a few deep breaths trying to calm her racing heart. Once the bus reaches her stop she gets off the bus and makes a b-line for her apartment.

America enters the building, one elevator ride later and she's facing her front door. Fumbling with the key she eventually gets the door open. She sets the groceries on the kitchen counter before taking her shoes off and locking the front door. She begins to unload the groceries and put them away in their proper place.

"My day can't possibly get worse." America mutters to herself as she finishes putting the groceries away. Turning around something on the dining room table catches her eye. Walking out of the kitchen and to the table she spots a box of chocolate in a heart shaped box. Her heart momentarily stops as she looks at the items surrounding the box of chocolate.

Directly behind the box, on a stand is a picture of her smiling at the store. There's a smaller picture of her on the bus and another of her in the lobby of her apartment building.

"How the hell did they get these pictures?!" Now very scared America turns her attention to the flowers on either side of the box. With a sigh she inspects the bouquets of roses, they clearly have been tampered with.

The thorns have been cut off and the flowers look so perfect they look fake. After touching one America concludes they are indeed real. Setting the bouquets down she moves over to the living room and turns the tv on. Maybe watching a funny show or movie will cheer me up. America thinks as she selects Disney+.

After searching for a while she settles for mulan though it's not a comedy it is an empowering movie. As the movie starts America grabs the new box of popcorn she had bought only an hour before. Putting it in the microwave for two minutes she watches the movie from the kitchen as she waits for the popcorn to finish.

When the Microwave beeps alerting America that her snack has finished cooking. With a grin she takes the hot bag of popcorn out of the microwave. Grabbing a bowl she pours the popcorn into it before throwing away the bag. She returns to the living room and wraps herself up in a blanket.

As the movie ends America lets the credits roll as she gets up and washes the popcorn bowl before putting it away. Moving up to her room she gets into her comfy clothes before entering the bathroom.

Stuck to the mirror is another post-it note along with a picture of her watching the movie and eating popcorn. Ripping off the post-it note she reads it aloud.

"You have lovely skin, I can't wait until you're mine." America is silent for a moment before making a decision. It's time to go to the cops.

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