A long Drive Home

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Her phone buzzing is what steals America's attention from the negotiation, glancing down, she pulls out her phone and checks the number. Oh no- It's New York... the only reason she'd call is if something serious happened. U.N. Clears his throat and America looks up to find everyone looking at her.

"You really have nothing better to do? We are on the brink of another world war and you are looking at your phone! Honestly, from the most powerful country in the room, I expect a bit more from you." U.N. exclaims. America's knee begins to bounce anxiously, U.N. getting like this is never good, especially getting chewed out in front of everyone, which isn't too great for the ego.

"Just what were you doing?"

"I'm getting an important call."

"A call? Well then, answer it and put it on speaker."

"I- What?!"

"You heard me. Answer it. And put. It. On. Speaker." America reluctantly follows U.N.'s order. She accepts the call and taps on the speaker button. As soon as she does a voice begins talking before America can say a word.

"Mom! Thank god you answered! The house is in chaos, the western states are on fire, Florida has his pet alligator running around the house, Texas is staging a revolution and I have no idea where the midwestern states are!"

"Okay, New York. Gather the 13 and divide and concor. I'm on my way now." America responds in a calm and motherly tone, other countries mutter amongst themselves, she ignores them and continues her conversation. America gets out of her chair and walks away from the table she continues,

"Work together and try to keep the younger states calm. Call me again if something else happens alright?"

"Yes mom!" America can just imagine New York saluting as she says this, making her smile a bit. She taps the end call button again and puts her phone in her pocket as she exits the room.

She runs down the hallway taking a sharp right turn around the corner that leads to the stairs, she crashes into Kenya who was carrying a load of paperwork, staying on her feet she yells an apology before continuing on her way, Kenya shouts something in Swahili which America can only assume to be something offensive.

Once she reaches the stairs she practically throws herself down them in an anxious rage, panting she enters the parking garage, she can hear shouts coming from behind her as she runs, she reaches her car and opens the door, taking this time she glances towards the source of the voices and sees Canada and Russia running towards her surprisingly fast. She gets in just as Russia reaches the car, quickly she locks the doors.

Russia slams her fist into the middle of the glass window trying to break it, America chuckles. You need to punch the corners of the window in order for it to break silly. She thinks as she puts the keys in the ignition and puts it into reverse. Nearly running over Canada, she puts it into drive and pulls out of the parking garage and takes off down the highway.

After a few minutes she sees another car swerving in and out of traffic, as it gets closer America can see that Canada is behind the wheel with Russia in the passenger's seat. Accelerating America presses on. I need to lose them so they don't find out where I live. My states... My kids need me. I can't waste any time.

America exits off of the highway and gets onto a winding residential road, pulling over once out of sight she abandons her car and runs into the woods just out of sight from the road, she waits until the pair's vehicle slows down and stops beside hers, Russia and Canada get out and start investigating the scene.

"Go look in the woods, Canada. We need to find her or else U.N. will be furious, I don't feel like being yelled at today." The Canadian sighs and crosses the road right over to where America is perched behind a tall oak. As Canada draws closer her breath quickens covering her mouth she regains control over her breathing and waits patiently, after a few seconds Canada is on the other side of the tree which America is hiding behind.

America steps out from behind the tree, slowly walking up behind Canada, who is looking at Russia standing on the road still investigating America's car. Once close enough she kicks him in the calf causing him to stumble. She wraps her left arm around his neck and places her hand on his mouth muffling his yelp. Eventually he passes out due to lack of oxygen, America gently lays her brother down trying to not hurt him anymore than she already has.

America turns to Russia, the Russian is calling for Canada now, She must have found something... but what? America sneaks out of the woods and manages to get behind Russia, who is staring at the window's reflection, without turning around the Russian woman speaks,

"What's your plan after you knock me out?" She pauses, "I know you don't have one."

"Like I'm telling you. Now why are you following me?" Russia doesn't respond for a few moments.

"I'm not planning on stopping you, but-" Not wasting another second, America slams Russia's head on the trunk, she falls unconscious and crumples to the ground.

America walks over to her car and gets in, pulling back onto the road she continues her drive as if nothing had happened.


Word count: 941

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