8 Shock

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Damian POV

Slowly but surely I was getting pretty nervous. It was almost time for Edge's match and Kat was still missing. I hadn't seen her all day, although I knew from the other girls that she had arrived. I had a bad feeling about this. But hopefully that had more to do with the fact that I missed her.

Although I would never admit it, but somehow she had me wrapped around her little finger without even trying. And I couldn't wait to give her the gift I had for her. As soon as I saw it I knew it was perfect for my Bluebell.

The match was in full swing when I got my cue. I went out and tried to concentrate as best I could. It had never been so hard for me. I really hoped that Kat just wanted to keep me in suspense.

Finn came rushing up from behind me for our brawl. We did our part and then returned backstage through the aisles in the audience. As we looked at the momitor, I just saw the replay of a person who was supposed to be Katja pulling AJ off the ropes. But one look at the person and the ring gear told me it wasn't her.

Shocked, I watched as the match ended and Rhea revealed herself. The audience was at least as shocked as I was. They had also been expecting Kat. We had all been working towards this moment and I was looking forward to spending more time with her.

A few minutes later, Rhea and Edge returned. And I wanted answers.

"What the hell is going on here? Where's Katja?" I asked Rhea, upset.

"There's been a change of plans. It seems she had her contract paused to act in a season or two of a TV series. I've been plan B, apparently. I didn't have time to tell you before. I'm sorry." Rhea explained.

"She what? But... Why? Why didn't she tell me? Do you have any idea for how long this was planned?" I wanted to know.

"Well, I've known for two hours. They told me what to do and then they had to dye my hair. I still saw her this afternoon. I have no idea what happened. I mean if Katja planned it, why was she even here today to begin with?" she replied.

"That doesn't... make any sense. Why now? This was a big deal for Kat. Her big heel turn. And then she just takes a break? For God knows how long? No way," I growled.

"I don't know Damian. All they said was that she would be gone for 3 to 4 months. Maybe longer if they like her work." Rhea explained to me.

When I heard those words it was like a world came crashing down. Stunned, I made my way back to the locker room and pulled out my phone. Immediately I dialed her number. But it only rang once and then went straight to voicemail. That was strange. That wasn't normal, was it? I tried a few more times, always with the same result. Had she blocked my number?

In depression and confusion, I sank down on the bench. Slowly, I put the phone aside and then buried my face in my hands. What was going on here? And how was I supposed to find out when she clearly didn't want to talk to me?

I had to find a way to talk to her. No matter how long it took or whatever it took.

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