19 See you again

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Damian POV

Yet another day away from my girls. And yet still not close to the day I would see them again. Sadly, I wasn't lucky enough to have a casual schedule for the week and I wasn't spared the show today, Saturday, this time. This meant that I had to wait until Tuesday until I could hold Bluebell and our baby girl in my arms.

Katja sending me photos and videos of herself and Hazel every day made it a little easier. But still, being away from them was harder than I ever thought possible. What also helped were the numerous phone calls we had. Or at least they did when Bluebell was available.

Today, however, she hadn't returned any of my calls all day, and it was starting to make me a little anxious. Maybe something had happened or maybe Hazel wasn't feeling well. My head was pounding with the many possible scenarios when finally, finally my phone rang.

"Bluebell finally! Where have you been all day?" I asked in relief.

"Hi D! Oh I'm so sorry. I've been busy." she said.

"What was so important?" i wanted to know.

"What? I'm sorry... I'm having such a hard time understanding you.... Are you having bad reception? Can you maybe go outside?" she replied to my astonishment, because I understood every word she said.

Nevertheless, I did as she said and walked with quick steps towards the back exit of the arena.

"Do you understand me better now?" I asked as I stepped into the parking lot.

"I understand you perfectly. But I can see you even better." she said with a laugh.

"What?" I wanted to know.

"Turn around." replied Kat.

I turned around like she wanted me to and almost dropped the phone in surprise and joy. A huge smile spread across my face as I spotted my family a few yards away from me.

I ran up to Bluebell and wrapped my arms tightly around her. Then I lifted her off her feet and spun her around. Kat let out a hearty laugh as she clung to me while burying her face in the crook of my neck.

When I put her back on her feet I did the same to inhale her familiar scent. A scent that I would forever associate with home. Then I pulled away so I could give her a much needed kiss.

"Bluebell what are you doing here?" I asked as I held her in my arms for a moment and then bent down to the stroller to see my little princess.

Much to my displeasure, our Hazelnut was sleeping right now and didn't greet me with that sweet, toothless smile. But I knew I would get it eventually. After all, she was a baby and needed her sleep. No matter how impatient her daddy was to hear her giggle.

"We wanted to surprise you! I know how much you missed us and we felt the same way. I needed a couple of days to prepare, but it all worked out well. I figured it would also be a good trial run for later. But let me tell you, it wasn't so easy not to let myself spill the beans. Did the surprise work?" she explained to me as she wrapped her arms around my middle from the side and looked up at me with her beautiful eyes.

"Is that even a question? Of course! I can't tell you how happy I am at this moment." I replied as I placed my hand on her cheek.

My thumb stroked her plump lower lip before I leaned in to steal another kiss.

"I'm happy too. Let's go inside so Hazel can get out of the sun." said Bluebell after a few minutes of just standing there soaking up the closeness.

"Good idea. I think the girls will be happy to see you." I replied as I started pushing Hazel in her stroller and rested my other hand on Kat's hip.

"Yeah, well... If they even talk to me anymore." she muttered.

"I'm sure they missed you. And you have the most adorable excuse for your break." I said as I squeezed her hip tenderly.

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