18 I've had it with you

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Katja POV

Again and again I went through my mental list of things I would need for myself but especially for Hazel. At the moment it looked like I had thought of everything. That was good, because even if I could get everything I might have forgotten at any time, it was very reassuring for my own stress level to know that everything was there.

I was getting Hazel dressed when the doorbell rang. Since I knew it was Mom, I just waited for her to come in. And it didn't take long until she was standing behind me.

"Hello my darlings! So... what's this favor you want me to do for you, honey?" she asked as she stood next to me, gave me a kiss on the temple and then turned her eyes to her granddaughter.

"Could you take us to the airport? That would be nice. Then I won't have to call a cab." I asked as I handed Hazel to her.

"The airport? You're going on a trip? And what about Hazel?" she wanted to know.

"She's coming with me, of course. We're going to visit Damian." I replied.

"Oh... that's interesting." she said without looking at me.

"What?" I wanted to know, annoyed. Because I already knew what was going through her head again.

"Nothing. I'm just surprised you're suddenly so eager to see him. And then a long flight with a baby. Is it worth it?" she said.

"Listen Mom. I know you're worried about me and about Hazel. But you have no reason to be. Damian loves us and has miraculously forgiven me for my behavior. Me and Hazel miss him and he misses us. You have to accept that he is part of the family," I replied.

"He's certainly not part of my family! God knows how long he'll stick around until he makes the next woman miserable. A man like that doesn't suit you at all, Katja. I don't know how all this could have happened. I thought I raised you better than that." she began to scold.

Now it was finally enough. I took my daughter out of her arms and glared at her angrily. It was hard for me to stay calm, but I had to for Hazel's sake.

"I've had it with you, Mother! You don't know him! You have not spoken a word with him and yet you are judging him. I have told you many times that he is a great man. And I love him. He's great with Hazel. And I swear to God if you don't find a way to get over your prejudices and be nice to him, I'm going to move with Hazel to the other side of the country and you're not going to see either of us again. I am sick and tired of you trying to tell me how to live my life.

I decide what's best for Hazel and me. If you can't handle it, you might as well leave. I'm doing just fine without you. You may not have noticed. You may not even care. But I'm an adult. I'm a mother myself now. And I will no longer tolerate your toxic behavior towards my daughter's father," I replied in a more than barely controlled voice as I clung to my baby for support.

"Katja I... I'm sorry. I'm just worried about you. I didn't mean to upset you. You're so important to me, honey. And Hazel is, too. Please... Forgive me." Mom said after a few minutes of just staring at me, shocked and frozen. 

Apparently I had hit a nerve. I hoped that she finally understood how damn serious I was. One thing was certain.... Should I see no improvement in her behavior, I would draw consequences. No matter how difficult that might be for me. I had to think about my own little family and our future from now on.

"Does that mean you're going to give Damian a chance?" I asked, my voice still hard.

"I will try my best. I promise. Maybe... maybe you guys could come over for dinner the next time he visits." she suggested after swallowing hard.

"That would be nice. And I want you to talk to Dad about it, too. And I expect you to apologize to Damian for your behavior," I replied.

"Okay. Now come on. I don't want you to miss your flight." Mom said, nodding her head.

I breathed a sigh of relief. This felt like a small but important victory. Now I could only hope that she really took me seriously.

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