22 I'm sorry

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Katja POV

I put Hazel back in the stroller and then took quick steps to find Stephanie and Hunter. Fortunately, it wasn't long before I found the area where the makeshift offices had been set up. I took a deep breath before knocking on the door. The door opened moments later and a beaming Stephanie greeted me. I guess that meant I was here before her father.

"Katja, it's so good to see you! I was not expecting you. I thought we had discussed everything when you were here last time. Oh! Is that her? May I?" she gushed until she noticed Hazel.

"Sure. I really need to talk to you. Would it be possible to get Hunter to join us?" I replied, watching as she carefully lifted my little one in her arms.

"Oh... hello you precious little thing. Aren't you adorable? I'll call him." she cooed until she remembered what I had said.

With Hazel in her arms, she sat down at her desk and reached for her phone. She quickly tapped away on her phone and then waited for her husband to answer the call. Tense, I tapped my feet as the seconds that passed seemed endless. It was a good thing it didn't take long for her to reach Hunter. He promised to be there immediately and indeed he was. Probably he had not been far away.

Hunter greeted me with a quick hug and then looked at me as questioningly as his wife.

"All right, kiddo. So tell me what's so important." Steph began as she lifted her gaze from my daughter.

"Your father fired me a few minutes ago." I said simply and then waited for what was said to reach them.

"He what? Why? Please tell us exactly and in detail what happened." replied Hunter.

I told them exactly what had happened. Every word that was said and every little thing that I still had in my head. It was important to be totally honest now. I didn't want Theory to try to spin it differently. When I was done I took a deep breath. Now all I could do was wait.

"Katja... I... I'm sorry this happened. But unfortunately, I don't see any way to undo it. You hit him.... twice... I had fired you myself as a result. You know the company policy. I'm sorry. If you just hadn't hit him, I would have had options. But this way..." Steph said after a few minutes of silence as she thought about it.

I honestly didn't expect it any other way, but I owed it to myself and my family to at least try. I nodded, stood up and walked around the table to take Hazel out of her arms. It was time to go. I didn't want to burst into tears in front of them. I had plenty of time for that later.

Carefully and with slightly shaking hands, I put Hazelnut in the stroller. I opened the door so I could leave. 

"Thanks for everything, though," I said in a low voice, looking up at the two of them only to see them exchange a glance with each other. It almost looked like they were talking to each other.

"Katja.... We'll figure something out, okay?" said Hunter.

I nodded. Then I hurried to leave the building. I wanted to get to the hotel as soon as possible before anyone saw me. There I could cling to my baby while I let my feelings out.

Damian POV

As soon as I was able, I left the arena and made my way to the hotel. I still hadn't heard from Bluebell and that worried me. I wanted to know what Stephanie had said. I would have liked to go to her myself or at least be there while Kat talked to her. But I stuck to what Kat wanted me to do. Even if I didn't like it.

But as soon as I opened the door to our room, my heart sank into the pit of my stomach. That was not a good sign. I heard the soft sobs and sniffles that could only mean one thing.

Quietly, knowing the baby was probably asleep, I set my luggage aside and crawled into bed with Bluebell. She had pulled the covers over her head as she cried. It broke my heart. I pulled the blanket away and slid my arm underneath my girlfriend so I could pull her tight against my chest.

"I guess it didn't go well." I said softly as I stroked her back soothingly.

"No, not in the least. I'm still fired." She whispered as she looked at me with her eyes filled with tears.

"I'm sorry, Bluebell. I wish there was something I could do for you. You should have taken me with you, then... then.... God, I have no idea. I'm sorry." I babbled while trying to figure out what I could say.

"It's not your fault, D." she murmured as she pressed her face against my chest.

"What do we do now?" I wanted to know in hushed tones. I felt so helpless.

"I have some ideas." she replied softly.

"Do you want to tell them to me?" I asked.

"Well.... I can still continue with acting. Or I can go back to studying. Or...." she listed.

"Or?" I encouraged her to continue.

"Damian?" she asked as she lifted her head to look at me.

"Yes?" I replied.

"Will you marry me?" she suddenly wanted to know.

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