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Katja POV

"I just don't know if this is such a good idea. You've been doing just fine without him." my mom said for the thousandth time, and that's just in the last hour.

"That may be true, but still, Hazel needs her dad. And it's bad enough I kept it from him for so long. We're trying to make this right. All I ask is that you give him a chance, Mom," I replied.

"I mean, there were reasons for it. And I still don't understand how you could even get involved with a man like that. He's so much older than you, and those tattoos." she said snidely.

"Mom, don't start with that! You don't know Damian. He's a great guy and doesn't deserve your prejudice one bit. And who cares that he's older? I don't. And you have to get used to him because he's going to be a part of my life. Hazel is as much his daughter as she is mine. And just because I made a mistake and didn't tell him, it doesn't give you the right to assume he's going to be a bad father." I explained to her harshly.

"I just don't want you to get hurt, Kat. Is that so bad?" replied Mom.

"Of course it isn't. But I've already been hurt, and it's nobody's fault but my own. All I want you to do is give him a chance. I didn't ask you to marry him," I said with an eye roll when the doorbell rang.

I got up and went to the door. Mom followed on my heels. A look over my shoulder showed me that she had a pretty pissed off expression on her face. She never liked it when I did my own thing, and she liked it even less when I did something that other people might find inappropriate.

With a deep sigh, I opened the door. Damian was standing there, looking a little lost. The look my mother gave him didn't help one bit.

"Hey Damian, come on in." I said smiling.

"Hi Kat, hello Mrs. Fay. How are you?" he asked politely as he entered my apartment.

"I should be going now. Call and let me know how our little one is doing." mom said without answering Damian's question. 

With that, she walked out and left us alone. I closed my eyes. In frustration, I shook my head. I couldn't believe how incredibly rude she was acting. I was embarrassed. And I would have loved to kick her butt.

"What was that? Did I do something wrong?" asked Damian immediately, concerned.

"No, you didn't. Please don't worry about that. It's just... my mom is pretty conservative. And to say that she wasn't thrilled that I got pregnant without being married didn't sit well with her. Since Hazel arrived, it's a little better, but now she has something new to be upset about. I'm sorry she's like that," I explained anxiously.

"I guess that means she doesn't like me," he stated.

"Yeah kind of not. She has quite a lot of prejudices. About your age and stuff. I've tried to talk some sense into her. Unfortunately, she's pretty stubborn. So it may take a while. Sometimes I wonder how I can be related to her." I replied.

"Oh." was all Damian said.

"Please Damian. Don't worry about my mother. I don't. She has nothing to say in this matter. This is just about Hazel, you and me." I said.

"Okay... I'll try to ignore it. Speaking of her... where is our little princess?" he wanted to know after he sighed deeply.

"Taking a nap. But I think she'll wake up soon. Come with me." I replied.

I went ahead in the direction of the nursery. Carefully I opened the door and went in as quietly as I could. Damian followed me. Together we stood by the crib and looked at the sleeping little bundle. I turned my head in Damian's direction. He had a small, but somehow proud smile on his lips. When I looked back at Hazel I saw that she had woken up.

"Hey Hazelnut. Look my baby. You have a visitor. It's your daddy." I said softly as I loosened the swaddle blanket and lifted her up. 

I gave my baby a kiss on the forehead and then put her in Damian's arms. Hazel gave her daddy a sweet toothless smile and I could tell he was melting.

"Hello you little angel. Did you sleep well?" he asked her softly as he held out his index finger.

Hazel gripped his finger tightly while still smiling at him. She loved her daddy. I could feel that. But I also felt that little twinge of guilt again.

"Bluebell are you okay?" Damian wanted to know when he suddenly looked at me.

I had to swallow against the lump in my throat before I was able to answer him.

"Um, yeah.... I'm fine. It's just... so nice to see you guys together. That's all." I replied softly.

"Hazelnut, I think mommy is a little emotional. Do you think I should hug her to make it better or would it be better if I ordered her pizza?" he babbled to the baby in his arms and immediately she started cooing too. As if she understood what he was asking.

I saw Hazel let go of his finger. Damian took the opportunity to gently hug me with his free arm. Our baby between us looked very content.

"It's going to be okay, Bluebell. We'll figure it out." he whispered as he placed a kiss on my forehead.

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