17 Missing you

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Damian POV

It was kind of a weird feeling to be back here after the wonderful days I had spent with my family. For outsiders it may seem as if I was the same and that nothing had changed, but for me this could not be further from the truth.

And my closest friends were in for the shock of their lives when I would tell them what had happened and why I was not available in the last days. For myself, the whole thing was still quite overwhelming. But nevertheless I had the feeling that everything was right in my world. I had received a great blessing and for nothing in the world could I mess that up. I now had a daughter. Hazel Damina was next to her amazing mother the most important thing for me.

"Damian! Hey, Damian!" I heard someone call from behind me.

"Oh, hi Matt." I said as I turned to see who it was.

"Where have you been? I've been trying to call you." he wanted to know.

"I've been in San Diego. I was spending time with my family." I explained to him as we continued walking together.

"That's nice. Wait a minute.... you don't have any family in San Diego." he suddenly replied, then grabbed my arm to stop me.

"I do now. Katja lives there with our daughter." I said and couldn't help but smile when I thought of them, but at the same time I was sad because I was missing Bluebell and Hazelnut like crazy already.

"Your what now? You... you have a daughter? With the little girl who just took off last year? I didn't even know you guys had a thing and now you're telling me you have a kid? Bro, that's huge! Why didn't you tell us?" he gushed.

"Well.... because I've only known for a week myself," I said.

"She didn't tell you? Damn!" he retorted.

"This is just between us, Matt. And we've worked it out. I don't give a damn about anything else or what anyone else thinks." I said before he could deepen the topic.

And luckily for me, my phone rang at that moment. With a big grin I saw that it was a video call from Bluebell.

"Hey Bluebell! How are my girls?" I asked as I saw them both appear on the screen.

Katja POV

"Hi D! We're fine. I just wanted to hear how your flight was." I said as I held the phone in one hand while holding Hazel who was lying on my chest with the other.

When she saw her daddy on the phone, she immediately started cooing and grinning. He made her so happy. I kissed her forehead as I waited for Damian's response.

"It was okay. I just miss you guys a lot. It's crazy because I've only been gone a few hours. I hope I can come back this weekend. Well, if I'm not needed for all the shows this weekend. I haven't seen the schedule yet. What did you do today?" he replied and I could see how much he really missed us.

In a normal call I probably would have missed it, but his eyes gave him away. Even though he tried to suppress it, I could see the little tears glistening in the corners of his eyes.

We talked for a few more minutes until it was time for Damian to go to work, even if it was very difficult for him. He didn't feel any better than I did. I missed him too. I was just lucky to have a part of him with me. Hazel distracted me from my longing for her father.

But I knew it would get harder with each passing day. I sighed heavily as I put the phone aside and snuggled with Hazelnut. My hand stroked her back as I sniffed her hair.

"What are we going to do about your daddy, huh? I don't want him to be sad. What do you say we go visit him? Is that a good idea, Hazelnut?" I thought out loud.

Too bad she was too young to be able to give me an answer. But the more I thought about it, the more I liked the idea. I picked up the phone again and started looking for flights. If we were lucky we would be able to surprise Damian. And at the same time it was a good test for the future.

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