25 A day to remember

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Katja POV

Why did time have to go by so damn fast? I asked myself that as I sat on the floor in Hazel's new nursery and watched my little one try to pull her legs under her. She was on the verge of crawling. How could she be 6 months old already?

That was probably because we were so busy the last few months. With finding the perfect home for us and then moving from two separate places to our house. Of course, this was especially time-consuming because I moved from California to Florida. There was a whole country in between. And then with a baby, too.

It had been quite exhausting, but in the meantime I was glad that we had everything behind us. We enjoyed the time we had together whenever Damian was home. For our relationship the whole thing had been a real blessing. Not once did we argue, not even about furniture or wall color. Everything felt good and balanced.

Also, it was a big help that my parents, or rather mom, had gotten used to Damian by now. They visited us at least once a month and me and Hazel traveled with Damian whenever he had a show near my parents. I think what was slowly, but surely, crumbling my mother's walls was how much Hazel loved her daddy. And how awesome he was with her.

Every time Damian entered the room Hazel would start bouncing and cooing and babbling like crazy until she was finally in his arms. Even my damn stubborn mother couldn't help but melt. 

And I had to admit, for me it felt like a small victory. Too gladly I would have said to her, I told you so. But I decided to bite my tongue. I was just glad that the waters had smoothed out. I strongly hoped that it would stay that way.

"Bluebell? Where are you? Where are my girls?" we suddenly heard Damian call out.

Hazel's little head shot up and she immediately looked around to see where her daddy was. She had clearly missed him in the last few days. She felt the same way I did.

"Listen, Hazel. It's Daddy." I said to my baby as I watched her try to crawl toward the door.

"There you are!" said Damian before I even had a chance to answer him.

"Hi D! I missed you!" I replied as he knelt down next to me and gave me a sweet kiss in greeting.

"I missed you too, Bluebell. And you, you little Hazelnut!" he replied, and then picked up Hazel who was already starting to pull impatiently at his pants leg.

"Oh such a big girl! Such a pretty little angel!" D cooed as he covered her little face with kisses.

I thought that was so adorable. Well until Hazel started pulling on Damian's hair. And she had a hell of a lot of strength. She laughed at the face Daddy made when he tried to pry the strands of hair from her fingers.

"Little Miss Fay! That wasn't very nice!" I laughed as I doubled over on the floor laughing.

Looking at Damian's face, I just couldn't stop myself. He pulled one grimace after another. Finally he managed to free himself from his daughter's grip.

"I am about to have an appointment. Do you want to accompany me?" he asked me after a while.

"Sure. We want to spend time with you. Right, Hazel?" I replied.

"Cool. Let's get going then." D grinned.

"Where are we going?" I wanted to know as I got Hazel's bag ready.

"To see my tattoo artist. I have a design in mind that I've wanted for a few weeks. Do you want to see it?" he asked visibly excited.

"Of course. You know how curious I am," I replied.

He took out his phone and showed me the draft the artist had sent him. As soon as I realized that it was, I almost burst into tears. I was so surprised. Never in my life had I expected this.

"D.... This is... this is..." I stammered unable to find the right words and clutched the pendant on my necklace.

"That's right Kat. It's a hazelnut and a bluebell. And they come right over my heart. Where you belong." he explained to me as he pulled me close with one arm to give me a kiss on the forehead.

"I love you so much. You have no idea." I whispered.

"Oh but I do. Because I love you at least as much. And our baby." he replied softly.

We remain cuddled up to each other for a short while. That was such a wonderful moment. A day I will always remember for sure.


"Does it hurt?" I asked as I held Hazel close to me while I watched Damian get tattooed.

"Nah... Pretty relaxing, actually." he replied as he looked up at me.

"Yeah right." I laughed.

"Bluebell, I assure you it can't be worse than giving birth." he said with a wink.

"You've got a point there. I think I want that little Hazelnut too." I replied, surprising myself the most.

"Really? I didn't expect that." said Damian.

"Neither did I personally, but it's so beautiful," I said.

"Then you shall have it. If you're sure about it. Where would you like it?" he asked me as he tattoo artist cleaned his work.

"Hmmmm... my wrist, I think.... then I can always see it." I replied.

It didn't take long until the stencil was done and I got under the needle. The first few minutes were really painful, but then I slowly began to get used to the pain. And since it was only a small tattoo it went pretty fast.

I was cleaned up and looked proudly at my wrist and then at my family. When I saw Hazel I noticed that she was holding something in her hand that wasn't there 2 minutes ago. It was a small box.

"What does Hazel have there?" I asked.

"Oh this? This is for you. Will you give it to Mommy, Hazelnut?" said Damian with that special smile on his face.

He took it from her hand and to my amazement she let it happen. Damian put the little something in my hand. At that moment I realized what it really was.

"Bluebell, I know with absolute certainty that you are the one I want to share my life with. You made me a father and gave me a family. And I think families should have the same last name. I love you and our daughter more than anything in the world. And that's why I won't wait any longer.

Katja Ann Fay, will you marry me?" Damian said as he looked at me with his deep brown eyes. It was as if he was looking into my soul.

"Yes" I breathed as tears of joy ran down my cheeks.

I cradled his face in my free hand and pulled this unique man to me to kiss him in love and happiness.

Now it was even more certain that I would never forget this day.

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