24 Breaking the news

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Katja POV

"Okay...how do I look?" asked Damian as he came out of the bathroom in my apartment.

He must have been changing for the third time now. I don't think I've ever seen him so nervous and fidgety. Actually, I didn't think anything could faze this tall, cool man so quickly, but apparently meeting my parents was a big deal.

"You look great. You always do. And you looked great before, too. You have no reason to be nervous. I'm with you all the way, and if there's even one stupid, inappropriate comment from my mom, we're going home," I replied.

A few days have passed since our little crisis and the completely rushed marriage proposal. Fortunately, we had managed to talk about everything calmly so that nothing seemed to stand between us. We were doing well. I really thought I had messed things up between us, but Damian kept repeating that wasn't the case and that I had no reason to freak out. Even though I was really close to freaking out after Hunter's call.

"She's not going to be happy about our news. Especially not after what you said to her last time," he sighed as he sat down next to me on the bed.

We sat there as D took my hand while we watched Hazel lay on her blanket babbling to herself and kicking her arms and legs. I'm sure it wasn't long before she would roll over onto her tummy herself.

"I know, but this has nothing to do with her. And please don't forget that we don't mention that I was fired. That detail they don't necessarily need to know." I said as I looked up at him.

"But... Won't they find out about it anyway? Through social-media or something?" asked Damian.

"I don't think so. Neither of them use social-media. I'll tell them eventually, but definitely not today. What we have to tell them is enough for one day." I replied.

"True. And it sure won't help them like me one bit." he muttered.

"D, please.... it doesn't matter what they think. I don't need their approval. This is my life. And I have to do what's best for me. And as fate would have it, you are what I want. Family comes first. That's Hazel and you. I'm not going to live my whole life according to what my parents want. If I did that, I never would have started wrestling, we never would have met, and this little girl never would have been born." I explained to him as I snuggled up to him.


"Katja! Hello my darling! Damian... it's good to see you. And my little Hazel. How is our angel?" mom greeted us.

I could tell she was trying hard to be nice. Hopefully it stayed that way.

"Hi Mom, Hi Dad. She's fine and so are we." I said as I stifled an eye roll.

"It's good to see you, Mr. and Mrs. Fay." replied Damian, who was holding Hazel, politely.

"Damian, I want to apologize. It was not my intention to behave so dismissively. I promise that I will try harder in the future. Katja has surely told you about our little argument. I am really embarrassed to have judged prematurely. I hope we can make a new beginning," Mom said.

I was really surprised that she took me seriously and apologized to Damian. Part of me had expected that she would not. Stubborn as she was, that had been a possibility. But maybe Dad had said something to her, too.

"I'd really appreciate that, Mrs. Fay," Damian said.

"Please call me Carla." she replied, holding out her hand to him. They shook hands as Dad now spoke up as well.

"Are you going to stand in the doorway all night? Come on in!" he said laughing.

"Damian, nice to meet you. I'm Jim." he added as we walked toward him.

"Likewise, sir." replied D, smiling.

I think that was the moment when his tension eased a little. We sat down at the table and talked. Again and again I saw Mom watching me and Damian and Hazel. And I could swear I saw her smiling softly. Even though she would probably never admit it.

The meal and the rest of the evening passed without any incidents. Hazel was sleeping peacefully in Damian's arms. But it was time to go home so she could sleep in her crib. However, I had not yet addressed the sensitive subject. I was afraid that it would destroy everything we had built up so far. But I had to tell them.

"Mom... Dad.... There's something else I need to tell you." I began hesitantly.

Damian put a hand on my leg for support. I put my hand on his and looked at him for a moment. It was now or never.

"What's wrong?" asked Dad.

"Well.... It's about what I'm going to do when I start working again. Hunter has offered me to work at the Performance Center as a trainer and make occasional appearances at NXT. This way I can take Hazel with me without having to travel with her all the time. However, that means I will be moving to Orlando," I explained to them.

"Orlando as in Florida?" Mom asked quietly.

"Yes. I know you don't like it when we're so far away, but that's a great offer. But we'll visit as often as we can and you can come to us." I replied.

"That's... a lot." said Mom in amazement.

"That's not all..." I continued.

"What else is there?" Dad wanted to know.

"Well we think it's best for Hazel and me to move in with Damian. We'll look for a house together in Orlando or surrounding areas. It will make it easier for us as a family." I said.

I looked over at my mom and saw her struggling with tears. Obviously, she didn't know what to say.

"Excuse me." she finally said as she got up from the table and went into the kitchen. I was already about to follow her when Dad said something.

"Give her a break, Kat. She needs time. I promise you she understands. We knew it would happen one day. Don't worry about us. But promise me you'll always call us and send us pictures of Hazel, okay?" replied Dad.

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