16 What are we?

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Katja POV

With a large bag in my hand, I climbed the stairs and unlocked the door to my apartment. I had actually expected to find Damian in the living room, but to my surprise he wasn't there. And everything was very quiet. Not a sound was to be heard.

I went into the kitchen to quickly put away the groceries I had gotten for us. Then I went through the apartment in search of D. Since the apartment was not particularly large, it did not take long until I found what I was looking for. A big, wide smile spread across my face as I entered the nursery and saw Damian sitting in the rocking chair with Hazel in his arms. Both were fast asleep and didn't notice me at all.

Hazel had probably been hungry, even though it wasn't quite her time yet. Thankfully, Damian knew how to make a bottle for her. Even changing diapers was easier for him after a few days. Well, unless it is a stinky diaper, he preferred to leave that to me.

I pulled the phone out of my pocket to quickly take a few cute pictures of the two of them. It was so adorable how the two looked together. I only hoped that Damian's neck wouldn't hurt afterwards, as awkwardly as he sat there snoring softly.

For a few minutes I looked at my family. But then I decided to freshen up quickly before I started to make dinner. It wouldn't take long and Damian could take a nap with Hazel during that time.

After I had finished showering, I went into the kitchen and got out everything I needed for our meal. Still it was totally quiet in the apartment, so I decided to turn on music so that it played softly in the background while I started cooking.

I hummed softly to myself while I chopped the vegetables and made the mashed potatoes. When everything was ready, I put the steaks in the grill pan. That only took a few minutes as well. I took them out of the pan and let them rest for a bit while I headed to the nursery to check on my two sweethearts. 

The picture that presented itself to me had not changed a bit and yet it was beautiful as it had been an hour ago. I went to them and carefully lifted Hazel out of Damian's arms to put her in her crib. Once again it looked like my little one was smiling. That was something that always filled me with happiness.

Then I went back to Damian and sat down gently in his lap. But he didn't seem to notice. I put my hand to his cheek and then gave him a kiss on the forehead. My thumb slowly stroked his cheekbone as he opened his eyes. His dark, warm eyes found mine.

"Hey... How was your nap? Dinner's ready!" I whispered.

"Already? How long have you been back?" he wanted to know in a hushed voice.

"About an hour," I replied softly.

Without saying a word, Damian got up and carried me in his arms out of our daughter's room, through the living room and into the kitchen. I couldn't help but giggle softly. D put me back on my feet and then hugged me tightly before giving me a little kiss.

"I could get used to this." I said softly as I put my hands on his neck.

"I already did." he replied with a happy smile.

"Let's eat and have a nice evening. I'm sad you won't be here tomorrow," I said.

"I know. But I'll be back with you as soon as I can." he promised as he held me by the hips.

"That's what I like to hear. And it's also what I wanted to talk to you about," I replied.

"About what exactly?" asked Damian.

"We can talk about it after dinner. After all, I can't let the big, strong wrestler starve," I said to change the subject, because it was already making me a little nervous.

I prepared two plates for us and then we sat down together at the small dining table in the kitchen and enjoyed our meal. Even though we talked casually while we ate and then did the dishes, I knew Damian was wondering what I wanted to talk to him about. And probably he also noticed my insecurity. 

"Now... what did you want to talk about, Bluebell?" he asked encouragingly as he pulled me onto the couch with him and held my hand very tightly.

"It's just something I think about all the time. And I don't know... I don't know how to do this. But I just want to know... Damian... what are we?" I stammered with my gaze lowered as I felt my cheeks begin to burn.

"Oh now I know why you're so fidgety." he laughed as he lifted my chin with his index finger so I had to look at him.

"Well?" I asked.

"Well obviously we are family and always will be. But I don't think that's what you meant. You're my girl, Bluebell. You belong by my side. You and Hazelnut. And I don't give a fuck what other people might think of us. When I said I love you, I meant it. I love you and you're my girlfriend. I am the man at your side and if even one other man dares to come near you, I will crush him. For me it was clear from the beginning that we have more.

And now that I have you back in my life. And Hazel, our little princess too.... I'm not gonna let you run away from me again. I want you to trust me, Kat. We can talk about anything. And we have to. Because we are connected. Forever." he explained to me in a firm, serious voice.

"So... that means for little silly... you're my boyfriend?" I asked a little silly and with a fat grin.

"Yep." replied Damian simply.

"I love you too, boyfriend." I then said and leaned forward.

Damian didn't hesitate for a second and kissed me. Again, it didn't take long for the kiss to become more passionate. Our hands explored each other's bodies until eventually we were both gasping for breath.

"Do you... well... maybe you want to move this to the bedroom?" he asked a little hesitantly.

"I thought you'd never ask. But this time I'm prepared. We don't want a second little surprise, after all. I bought condoms at the store. But, um... um... please remember that... well... I had a baby and my body... may not be exactly like the one you remember," I suddenly replied insecurely.

"Bluebell, you are perfect. Just the way you are. You are more than just a body. The fact that you grew a baby in your body is a miracle and I'm going to show you exactly how amazing that is. You are you. Don't forget that." he murmured to me.

His voice was rough and his eyes burned like dark fire. They melted all the self-doubt in me. I put my arms around his neck as he slid his long arms under me to stand up with me in his arms. Again he carried me, but this time into the bedroom where he showed me indeed how much I meant to him.

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