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Jordan jumped in front of Zoe as a gun went off. She turned around to see her sister stood in the same position as her, blood slowly spreading through her shirt. Zoe's body dropped as Jordan dropped onto her knees.

"I've got you Zoe. It's going to be okay." Said Jordan.

Will and Marcel went to move forward but guns were pointed at them.

"They need help!" Shouted Will.

"She's helping Zoe so she's fine."

"She's not a doctor and no one is putting pressure on her wound. She's going to die." Said Crockett.

"She's fine."

"It will be her blood on your hands. If she dies, you'll go to jail." I said.

"Or I could just kill you all!"

"Stop! You'll just make him angrier." Shouted Jordan.

The man turned to look at us guys standing with tears in our eyes. Our faces turned to shock when Zoe passed Jordan a knife. One step. Two step. Jordan lunged for the man. Cutting his arm. Then his leg. But he hit her. Hit her hard. Jordan stumbled backwards as the man pointed his gun and...

Shots went off and bodies dropped. The swat team walked in with shields and guns raised.

"Jordan!" I shouted as I ran forward and dropped to my knees.

Will ran over to Zoe as she was struggling to keep her eyes open. Crockett put pressure on Jordan's wound before Will and Crockett picked both girls up and put them in rooms that joined to each other.

"If it comes down to me and her, you s-save her." Said Jordan.

Zoe and Jordan were holding hands as work was being done. They squeezed each others hands one more time before their hands dropped. The beeping on the machine rose to a high pitched, fast paced beep.

"We're losing them!" I shouted as we carried on with compressions.

"C'mon breathe! Please!" Shouted Ethan.

*Jordan's Pov*

I walked along the sandy beach and that's when I saw her.

"Hey, Mom." I said.

"Hey, ma." Smiled Zoe as she stood beside me.

"Hey, my sweethearts. What are you doing here?"

"Visiting you." Zoe said.

"I want to hug you so bad."

"You can't. If you hug me, you won't ever go back."

"It's like that episode of Grey's Anatomy." I said.

"You guys still watch that?"

"Yeah and we leave you a spot on the sofa." Replied Zoe.

"That's sweet of you. You guys shouldn't be here. It's not your time."

"But we miss you, mom." I smiled.

"I know you do but can't you hear them calling."

"Please Jordan! Wake up!" Shouted Jay in the echo.

"Please Zoe. Just open your eyes!" Shouted Will in the echo.

"They need you."

"But we need you." Said Zoe.

"No you don't. You have each other and you have your family. Jordan you are a brilliant detective with a loving Unit who care so much about you. And Zoe, you're a doctor. You've been a doctor for a month, you need to explore you career so much more."

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