5. Similar to my Avelyn.

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--Dante's Pov--

I was instantly pulled to this woman the moment I set eyes on her, which hasn't happened since Avelyn in a long time.

On faith, I noticed a vaguely striking similarity to Avelyn, which made me want to keep her near to me.

I despised the fact that the reason I was so drawn to Faith was because of the wretched Avelyn, who entered my life and plundered everything before disappearing completely.

I spent countless nights, days, weeks, and even years looking for her until giving up a few months ago. Before formally giving up my hunt for that woman after two years and a few months, I encountered those two occurrences that brought me to this place.

If someone had told me that Avelyn would ever leave me, I would have wagered all I had and lost. In my opinion, she was practically the epitome of human perfection.

In the past two years, I would have sacrificed anything for this woman, but not anymore. If I ever saw her again, I'm not sure what I'd do. The woman was the epitome of tenderness, but after she departed, I realized that she had always seemed to be lovely when, in reality, she was truly vicious.

The fact that she took nothing—not even a dime—struck me as odd. I was only left to speculate that she might have instead traveled with a lover.

Yet, I couldn't help but feel a pull toward the woman who was in my office before me yesterday. The only other woman who could soothe my rage was my Avelyn, thus her presence was really effective.

As I realized that Faith's presence had subdued my fury, I became enraged once more and irritated with the girl who resembled Avelyn.

Regarding this girl, my emotions, turmoil, and feelings—which I had long since learned to bury—were acting up. I was running anxious of it.

Was it the way Avelyn looked like her? 

I had a strange feeling about this woman, or maybe it was just my paranoia.

After Avelyn, I was compelled to work in while suffering tremendous pain secretly, and this encouraged me to work harder and achieve greater achievement, leading to my becoming a billionaire.

Admittedly, Avelyn's influence on my numerous unsuccessful one-night relationships meant that my romantic life was never able to recover.

When I tried to have sex, the notion of having intercourse with any other women completely turned me off; the only thing that made my cock rise was the thought of having sex with my fugitive wife. I despised the fact that Avelyn was still unrivaled by anyone.

While she was easy able to run away and move on here, I was sulking like a lost poppy for the past two years.

I would deny everyone that she was the reason I was such a workaholic man and that she wasn't the reason why I wouldn't commit myself to another woman, but it was all true.

I observed Faith reenter the room; if anything, the differences between Faith and Avelyn were in Faith's eyes, hair, accent, and slightly curvier physique.

"This licensing paperwork must be completed and returned to human and resource by the end of the day Mr. Harrison." She spoke lowly and walked over to her desk.

"Thank you." I spoke watching her intently as she tried her best to remain professional before me while she did her work.

My gaze shifted from her trim legs to her round bum, which was slouched over her desk and cradling a couple of her papers.

From behind she somewhat resembled that woman. She had everything, down to her luscious curves. Her voice even resembled Avelyn. She was a breath of fresh air.

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