31. Smarter than you think.

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Dante's Pov

As I approached Catherine in the living room, a mix of concern and curiosity etched across my face, I gently inquired, "How are you feeling, Catherine?" My voice carried a subtle hint of empathy, acknowledging the pain she must have endured at the hands of Avelyn's explosive outburst that left her with a broken nose.

Catherine's eyes met mine, a glimmer of relief flickering within them. With a surprising touch of resilience, she responded, "I'm actually doing much better now. As long as Avelyn confines herself to her room, I can't help but feel a sense of relief. It's an opportunity for all of us to regain a semblance of safety."

I offered my apology, sincere and remorseful, acknowledging the upset Avelyn's uncharacteristic behavior had caused. "Once again, I apologize for Avelyn's boisterous behavior," I expressed, my words filled with a weight of responsibility. "To witness such a profound change in her demeanor is truly unsettling, especially considering her past nature."

Yet, as our conversation unfolded, a dark realization cast a shadow upon our exchange. Catherine's smile dimmed, replaced by a contemplative expression that revealed deeper concerns.

"Your apology means a great deal to me," she admitted softly, her vulnerability seeping into her voice. "But I can't help but wonder what might have caused this abrupt transformation in Avelyn. It's as if she has become an entirely different person." Catherine spoke as if she had known my wife before she had run away.

Standing beside Catherine, I inhaled deeply, feeling the weight of our shared history settle within me. The floodgates of memory opened, and a torrent of moments rushed through my mind — the echoes of shared laughter, the vulnerability of our confessions.

However, Catherine's recent transformation remained a captivating mystery, pulling at the threads of my thoughts and compelling me to seek answers. Her mysterious change tugged at my curiosity, urging me to unravel the layers that conceal her true self.

"Catherine," I began cautiously, my voice tinged with genuine concern, "Do you think there might be deeper wounds festering within Avelyn? Hidden pains or struggles that she has kept concealed from me?"

"I believe that's who she truly was deep down," Catherine asserted, her voice brimming with unwavering conviction. Each word she uttered resonated with a sense of absolute certainty. The weight of her statement hung in the air, leaving no room for doubt or hesitancy.

"No one can conceal their true identity indefinitely. It is a basic truth of human nature. Please understand, I don't mean to undermine you in any way, but perhaps it's time to consider seeking professional assistance for Avelyn. She deserves the opportunity to receive the necessary support for her mental health. It's painfully evident that something within her is amiss, and it cannot be ignored."

Sensing the noticeable tension that had settled between us, Catherine, ever sharp and quick to adapt, swiftly changed the subject.

Her smile, once radiant and unwavering, wavered slightly, betraying a glimpse of vulnerability. But it was her genuine concern that shone through, overshadowing any previous traces of confrontation.

"Anyway, how are you feeling?" she asked, her tone shifting to one of gentle empathy. her voice laced with a genuine desire to understand my emotional state. "I can only begin to fathom the immense turmoil you must be experiencing, having just known your twins only to have them ripped away so abruptly by someone so vile."


"Relieved, actually," I responded, my voice carrying a tinge of resolve. "I've managed to acquire raw footage of the kidnappers fleeing with the twins. I also have strong leads. It's a crucial step closer to finding them, and I refuse to let their disappearance consume me entirely. I'm determined to bring them back safely."

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