His Past | 5

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"He's a TA patient. He's been x-rayed because of a rigid abdomen and rebound tenderness. He has pan-peritonitis from bowel perforation. He need surgery so I called you"

"Okay. Did you give him a pain killer?"


"car accident, correct?"

"Yeah, it was. I dozed off all of a sudden while driving and hit a lamp post by accident. They were in the back seat when...I don't know what I was thinking."

A fierce look can be seen on his face as he stares the old man down in front of him. He noticed something was wrong with the child. He try to make the old man leave after noticing it's a child abuse case.

"First thing first, I'd like to check on something, so I'm gonna have you to leave us for a moment? would you step out for just a moment?"

"Why? Why should a guardian have to leave?"

"There are a few procedures I need to do before surgery. I need to prepare him by going through various test"


"O-oh i see"

At the age of 6, Youngbin was being taken care of by his "babysitter" who was an old man that his mom trusted him so much. He had experienced severe neglect and witnessed violence at the old man's home. Youngbin did not cry when he hurt himself and rarely asked for help. He feels like he needs to hurt himself as Jingyu hurts too. He hardly spoke and suffered horrible nightmares every night.

But no one knows, literally no one.

Being a busy working parent, Youngbin's father was not perfect but his father always tries his best to get to know his son's condition. Because of so little effort to show any affection to Youngbin, it gave an impact on the development of his social communication skills as well as basic speech and language.

His father is so important to him even if he isn't perfect but he is a good father, unlike his mom. Thankfully because of his father, at least he can talk freely without being anxious when he is with his dad.

"But there is one more TA patient. It's weird because he looks fine but it seems like he's having a traumatic event that happened to him. They both came together."

He would hold the bear close and whisper to it. The bear had been with Youngbin since he was a baby and was the only possession he had. Youngbin struggled to communicate with others and found it hard to trust adults.

Due to the significant neglect, he grew up not having anyone to talk to. He was not taken care of and had no one to play, learn, and explore with. When he went back home and it was time for him to go to his grandparent's house during his big family gathering, he was always left alone and not invited to play together with his cousins.

"Professor, are you okay?"

"How come he came just fine but the other kid is not?", he frowns before looking at the resident who just shrugs their shoulders.

"Leave a few people here, the others, go take care of the other ER patients"

"Can I see your body?". He pressed the sanitizer bottle before he scrubbed his hand. With a desperate and sad voice that can be sensed in his voice, Youngbin let go of his hand when he kept pressing down his clothes.

"Did he hurt you?"

"No, I hurt myself"

"Be honest with me please"

"Is it true that I'm a burden to you?"

"How can I think of you as a burden when I love you", he says before he hugs him tight.

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